Chapter 8: Bereft

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September 4, 06:34 EEST

Kara woke up, woozy, and covered in sand

"Ugh, what- what happened?" She looked around, and found nothing but an ocean of sand, and a large rock formation nearby.

"Where... am I?" She attempted to stand, but as soon as she put weight on her arm, jolts of pain shot up it.

She gasped in pain, and inspected the offending limb. Jutting out of her upper arm, a small peice of rock glowed a bright red. Red Kryptonite.

"Red... crap" Kara swore, pulled the object from her arm, and stood up, being careful not to put pressure on the now dry wound.

"Time to test my powers" she said to herself.

First, she began to hover above the ground a moment, confirming she still had flight. Then, she attempted to use any of her enhanced visions, no go.

Supergirl flew over to the rock formation, purposefully hitting it at full speed, which in itself showed she still had super-speed. When she hit the rock, she felt the full amount of pain a human would in the same scenario, but the damage was more like... as if a bullet would hurt, but not break the skin or kill her at all.

Finally, she tried to lift the large rock, but to no avail.

"Better check the area out" she flew high into the air, looking around for a moment, before deciding on a direction and flying out that way.

As kara flew, she strained her memory to find out what exactly led her to end up in a desert with kryptonite jutting out of her arm. Suddenly, a memory rose to the surface of her mind.

She was walking down a hallway with rocky walls, ahead, she could see the others making their way to the hangar.

Kara didn't look to her left, but began to speak to the person there anyway.

"So, you figure out what was wrong?" she asked.

"Yes, and now I have decided my mind and loyalties lie one-hundred percent with the team" his deep voice replied.

"Good" she one the outside the smiled, but inwardly she grinned, it would have sucked to lose him.

Kara pulled out of the memory suddenly. She was hovering in place, but somehow she had the feeling this unknown man she spoke to in her memory was in trouble.

It was a while later when she found herself flying over somewhat of a canyon, keeping an eye out for somewhere to break and collect her thoughts.

Looking down, she barely spotted a small wooden house further up, and sped up to check out the place.

Just as she began to near it, an explosion sounded behind her, and moments later an impact on her back shocked her enough to end her flight prematurely.

She fell down to the Earth below, her trajectory arcing her towards the shack, which she hit hard enough to essentially blow the place up.

Kara lifted herself, groaning in the thudding pain all over, and stumbled out of the remains off the house to find two teenagers, one a boy in a black jumpsuit with a shock of red hair carrying the other, a blonde girl with a bow, wearing a green outfit.

"Who are you..." another wave of pain "...and why are you here?" Supergirl demanded.

"We can introduce ourselves later, but first..." the boy trailed off, nodding behind Kara where a group of tanks and armed soldiers marched on their position.

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