Chapter 17:Coldhearted

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Mount Justice
November 11, 15:00 EST

"Recognised: Supergirl B0-4"

Kara walked into the cave, her hair a mess, coated lightly in snow, and holes in her suit still healing over. She was panting slightly.

Up ahead, the team sans Wally looked at her strangely "sorry I'm late guys, human trafficking in Central Africa, I made a bit of a mess."

"Isn't the point of being on a covert ops team to be, y'know, covert?" Robin asked.

"Well why be covert, when you can be overt?" she shrugged "also, I was flying around Africa in this-" she held up her bright red cape for effect "-especially garish outfit, saving some people from potential slavery, stealth wasn't exactly a priority"

"Well you're here now, so we can get started on Wally's party" M'gann grinned.

They all walked into the Cave's lounge room to set up for Wally's 'surprise' birthday party. The surprise was relative, as the boy had been all but subtle in his desire to have one.

Immediately, M'gann and Zatanna went to work in the kitchen, while Artemis and Connor watched on and helped every now and then.

Kaldur, Robin and Kara picked up decorations, and began getting the area ready for the party apart from the others.

"Hey, Kara?" Robin suddenly called from his position setting up balloons.

"Yeah?" She called back, pinning a 'Happy Birthday' banner along the roof.

"Just a random thought, but how come you never seem to actually go to school?"

The girl froze in her efforts, and looked away in deep thought. "I... really don't know... maybe- maybe I..." She was stumped. Kara did indeed actually attend university, despite the redundancy of it, and had a reasonably good habit of actually attending lectures there, but admittedly, it didn't seem to be the case... somehow.

Moving on from the somehow disturbing question, the three made quick work of decorating the room, while the girls in the kitchen managed to cook a feast in far less time than it should have taken them.

Shortly after, Red Tornado and the Flash entered, before immediately setting out to finish decorating the room for Wally.

Taking a break from decoration duty herself, Kara took a seat beside Artemis, both looking back into the rest of the lounge while Zatanna finished up the cooking behind them.

Superboy and M'gann were in one corner, whatever they had been doing forgotten, as the two acted very... Couple-y.

"So, they're dating" Artemis announced without inhibition. Both girls looked at the Kryptonian, expecting a response.

"Yes, they are" she answered without looking at them.

"Wait, that's it? No shock and anger? No betrayal that your cousin never told you?"

"What? Why would there be? I knew they were in a relationship ever since the Belle Reve undercover mission."

They looked genuinely surprised at this admittance "and Connor's only known me for less than six months, he's entitled to keep a few secrets."

"Well... that is not the reaction I expected" said Artemis.

They were silent for a little while "wait, you didn't notice them act all kiss-y after Belle Reve?"

"Well..." Aretemis went red faced "Wally doesn't know either!"

"Yes, but Wally is a moron, who still thinks if he flirts hard enough, he has a chance with me, let alone the Martian dating a clone."

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