Chapter 13: Humanity

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Mount Justice
October 10, 16:58 EDT

The team, excepting Wally, were in the middle of a group wide combat training session.

Kara avoided swing after swing from Connor, some hits landing, and others missing. She grabbed hold of his fist as he attempted one last hit on her face, and twisted the limb, manipulating the boy over her shoulder, and onto the ground in a submission hold.

"Good work, everyone," Black Canary's voice cut through the room. Kara let her cousin up, and the two half-hugged "In fact, it's been a very productive week."

"Well, for most of us" the two blonde girls of the team turned to give pointed looks at the speedster who was lounging in a chair as Captain Marvel waited on him.

"Hey!" The boy complained "arm broken in combat against the Injustice League here!"

"I really enjoyed being your... uh... den mother this week" Canary said.

"Please don't go?" Kara begged. Of all the past 'den mothers', Canary had been the one to actually have any practical helpfulness around the place, giving the team extra training sessions, and more help with any issues of the kind.

"Recognised: Zatara: 1-1."

The zeta-tubes whirred and the Italian magician entered, before giving clearance to another.

"Access Granted: Zatanna Zatara: A0-3. Authorisation: Zatara: 1-1."

A young girl in what resembled some form of school uniform enters. She looked to be around Robin's age, and had raven black hair to compliment her slighter lighter skin tone "Zatanna, this is the Team. Team, my daughter, Zatanna."

M'gann greeted the girl "hi, I'm-"

"Robin!" Interrupted, jumping in front of the martian "I mean, I'm Robin. She's Megan. That's Wally, Artemis, Kara, Kaldur and Conner."

"I just noticed how many 'kuh' names we have" Supergirl muttered to Artemis.

"Welcome to the Cave," Aqualad greeted.

"Thanks" she replied.

"So, are you joining the Team?" Robin seemed nervous when talking to her, and Kara frowned at that.

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves," Zatara cut in "this strictly a visit. Though I am sorry we missed the training. It's something from which Zatanna could benefit."

"Do the rest of you still get the feeling that we're still on probation with Zatara?" M'gann asked via telepathy.

"And Batman, Canary, the League in general" Kara listed off.

Conner nodded "and, why's Marvel still hanging around?"

"because we like having him around" Wally said.

"You like having him around 'cause he waits on you hand and foot" Artemis frowned.

Kara gave a thoughtful look "what's up with the whole servant deal anyway?"

"It almost makes one nostalgic for Red Tornado's term here as our supervisor," Kaldur said.

Robin agreed. "Yeah. At least he trusts us."

Conner glared "If you ignore the fact that we shouldn't have trusted him! He betrayed us! That machine nearly got M- all of us killed!"

Kara placed a hand on his shoulder "hate the player, not the game" she said.

"What does that mean?" He asked. She shrugged in response.

"Are you guys having a psychic conversation?" Zatanna asked "Cause I can't decide if that's cool or... really rude."

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