Chapter 21: Unual Subjects

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Washington D.C.
December 30, 09:00 EST

Kara paced the main area of the Hall of Justice nervously, her cape whipping from side to side every time she spun around to retrace her steps.

Further into the room, the team watched her in a mixture of shared worry, and slight amusement.

"Kara, are you nervous?" Aqualad asked her patiently.

"No, not nervous at all, I'm only about to go through with the biggest decision of my entire life!" She snapped "I'm even more nervous than when I had to decide which Guild I wanted to join back on Krypton."

"I don't get why you're nervous" Wally commented "you get to do what most of us have always dreamed of."

"Yeah but if you were in the actual position, you'd know my pain" she frowned.

"Just calm down, you'll be fine" Robin told her "besides, you're not the only one" he referred to Red Arrow, who only minutes before was trying very hard to hide his own excitement and nerves about the day.

"Roy's a rebel, sort of an outcast" she argued "I, on the other hand, am Supergirl, the flesh and Blood of the most well known and loved man on Earth."

"Kara" a hand stopped her dead. Turning, she met eyes with the girls of the team, Zatanna, M'gann, Artemis and most recently, Raquel, or Rocket as most people knew her as. The last of which had yet to even speak around Kara, apparently she was a fan. "You'll be perfectly fine" the archer reassured.

"Besides" Connor spoke up from his place "you said it yourself, you're Supergirl, anything you do, they'll just love you even more" his words held a friendly tone, but Kara could read into the meaning behind them.

"Supergirl" a deep voice called from the entrance "it's time" she nodded, waved one last time to the team, and followed Batman outside where she took a place in line behind Icon, Plastic Man, the Atom, Doctor Fate, and finally, Red Arrow.

"The Justice League was formed for two reasons," she saw her cousin, Superman begin. "First, as an acknowledgement that no single individual, no matter how powerful, can solve all the world's problems alone. And second, to uphold the values of truth, liberty, and justice. That, uh, last one's even in the name." Superman smiled and the crowd laughed.

"These six heroes have sworn to uphold those values" Kara smiled at her place at the end of the line.

He began to walk down the line, shaking hands with each new member, and handing them a membership i.d card, one that The Atom struggled to handle. When the man got to Kara, he forwent a handshake, and pulled her in for a short hug.

Batman seemed to be annoyed slightly at the break in ceremony.

The event continued on past that point as normal, with Superman concluding his speech, and most of the League leaving for wherever, while others remained behind to answer questions from the press.

Black Canary, Red Tornado and Batman led the new members back inti the Hall, and the blonde turned around to speak to them, Roy and Kara particularly.

"Are you ready to see the Watchtower?" She asked them.

"Born that way" the boy smiled.

"Plus six months" Kara added.

"I'm sure the Team would want to congratulate all of you first" Canary reminded them.

"You don't know Raquel, that is, Rocket" Icon added "after making her wait inside, congratulations may not be the first thing on her mind."

When the doors to the main are of the Hall opened, they found they entire room empty, without any sign of the team.

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