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I woke up with Kaldur's bare chest pressed against my back, his breath hitting my neck. As far as I could tell, he was still asleep.

Of course, I wasn't going to let him sleep peacefully. I reached a hand back and gently ran my fingers over his hair.

He groaned and pulled me closer. "Another minute."

"Kaldur you went to bed at seven last night. That's like a whole extra two hours." I rolled in his grip.

"Yes but I wish to stay in bed for a little while longer."

His eyes were closed as I stared up at him. A smile was lingering on his lips as a hand moved to my lower back.

"I did not hurt you correct?" He mumbled. "I was not holding back while we were training yesterday."

"I'm fine."

"That is good." His hand moved to brush a piece of hair away from my face.

After a few minutes of laying there, I got up and went to get a shower. It didn't take all that long, mainly because I didn't have to sit on the toilet just holding the hair dryer.

The moment I was dressed and out, Kaldur trudged in. I laughed and walked to the kitchen.

You wouldn't think that he'd be one to act like that, but I guess he's actually able to relax around me.

Halfway through the batter, arms wrapped around me and Kaldur pressed a kiss to my shoulder. "I love you."

"Saying that's not gonna get these done any faster."

"I am aware, I simply wished to say that." He snagged a few pancakes.

I rolled my eyes and finished cooking breakfast.

I sat across from Kaldur, and started eating. When I was almost done with my food, I noticed he was staring at me.

"What?" I raised an eyebrow.

He grabbed a napkin and leaned across the small table. "You have something right..."

As he trailed off he dropped his hand and got up. He walked around the table and dropped so we were level.

He leaned in and pressed a kiss to my cheek. "There." Then he wiped it with the napkin.

I laughed and kissed him lightly. "Thanks for telling me. Do you have- Kaldur!" I shrieked as he lifted me out of my chair.

"I do not have anything going on today." He plopped on the couch, laying down with me on his stomach.

"Aren't you the leader of the Team?"

"Dick can cover that. I want to spend time with you, I need to make up for lost time."

His hands rested on my hips. His head was tilted back slightly. He seemed content.

At least until I got up.

"I never said that I had nothing to do." I moved back towards the kitchen, throwing a glance over my shoulder just in time to see Kaldur stretch, his shirt riding up slightly.

A smile tried to fight it's way onto my face so I looked away. I walked to the sink and started washing the dishes, frowning slightly when I felt arms wrap around me.

"Seriously, is there a reason you're being super lovey-dovey?" I asked.

His chin rested on my shoulder and I could feel his heart beating fast. "You do not remember do you?"

"Is today your birthday? If it is I'm sorry but I-"

He interrupted me. "Its been five years since you killed yourself."

My shoulders dropped and I sat the spoon I was washing in the sink before turning off the water.

Kaldur's breathing was starting to get shallow and his grip on me tightened. A small whimper escaped his throat.

My frown deepened. I would have turn around but his grip on me was too tight to do anything.

"Okay, okay. I'll cuddle with you. Just don't start crying."

Kaldur immediately released me, the floor creaking as he made his way back to the couch.

I wiped the soap suds off of my hands before walking over to join him.

He was sitting up and staring at me with wide puppy dog eyes. He patted his lap, causing me to roll my eyes.

But I didn't want him to cry or anything. From what I know about Kaldur...its hard to get him upset enough for him to even start thinking about crying. So I sat on his lap facing him.

His fingers gently pushed the strap of my tank top off of my shoulder.



"What are you doing?" I didn't get a verbal response, he just pressed his lips to my skin.

He placed kiss after kiss on my shoulder, on places where I knew I had scars.

He moved to my neck, trailing up to my jaw. He moved so he could push me back against the couch. He managed to put himself between me and the back of the couch, pulling me against his chest.

"I love you..." Kaldur mumbled.

I smiled and rolled over. His lips wer pulled into a small smile and his eyes were closed.

I cupped his face with a hand, causing his eyes to flicker open.

"I'm not leaving you again, got it?" I stared at him. "You don't have to worry."

Pain flashed across his face. "Percy, do you know who found your body?"

"I'm pretty sure someone from the League of Shadows did. Why?"

"It...It was Robin and I. He called me after you disappeared from where he was and the two of us were looking for-" he cut off as the door slammed open.

"Hate to interrupt but we need your guys help." Artemis crossed her arms. "Now hurry up. We don't have all day."

Okay, so

My goal is to try to get this book done in the next month or so. That way I can start on Spidey.

And the schedule for this month is posted in Update Schedules

I was really original with that name. And for the record that is where all voting for the next month's schedules will be held.

And uh...

I don't have much to do this week so...

I might do a chapter that's set before this, it depends on how well my plan for the ending works out

See yah

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