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"Hi Kaldur." I walked towards the Atlantean, pulling my jacket around myself tightly.

If you want to know why...

Triton thought it would be a good idea to pick out an outfit for me. And it's...not exactly what I would have chosen.

"Hello Jester, are you ready to go?"

"Where are you going?" Rob walked in with a smirk on his face.

"None of your business birdie." I grinned at him.

"Excuse us for a sec." Rob grabbed me and drug me down a hallway and into a room. "I'm gonna ask you something and I need you to tell me the truth."

"Okay, shoot."

"Are you really going on a date with him?" Rob was smiling so wide it was almost rivaling my dad's.

I sighed. "Yes. But-" I pressed a kiss to his forehead. "You're still the most important boy in my life."

"Good. Now go!" He pretty much shoved me out the door.

I made my way back to where Kaldur was waiting, now with a picnic basket at his side.

"I...figured that a picnic might be agreeable."

"That sounds great." I grabbed the basket and walked with him over to a Zeta Tube.

He typed something into the control panel and then the two of us entered.

Then we soon reappeared in an old photo booth.

"This way." He gestured and started walking... towards a lake.

"Why is there a photo booth next to a lake?" I mumbled.

"There used to be a fairgrounds here. I am guessing that when they demolished it someone carted this photo booth off and forgot about it." Kaldur looked back at me with a small smile on his face.

How the Hades did he hear me?

Kaldur stopped, waiting for me to catch up, then he grabbed ahold of the basket.

"Please, let me." He lifted the basket so I was no longer carrying the weight...why do I have to be short...er than him?

I'm completely average height for a girl...no matter how freaking tall all the other girls at Goode were.

Also unrelated note, the English teacher there was fun.

But I sighed. There's no way that I was going to get him to let me to do that.

Glancing to the side, I smiled with all the naiads gazing up out of the water, some waving.

I slightly waved back before turning my attention back to Kaldur.

He actually looks relaxed. Which...why?

I could literally kill him. And he knows that.

"Do you think this is a good spot?" He questioned.

"Yeah, good as any." I grinned and helped put the blanket down.

For the record the blanket came out of the picnic basket. So it didn't randomly materialize...

Unlike my brother who is literally staring at me from the water.

I swear.

Kaldur sat down and I sat next to him.

Wow, this is literally the most awkward thing I've done.

And Chiron made me give a kid the talk once.

Don't ask. Please.

It has to do with a prank gone wrong.

And that's all I'm gonna say.

"Do you want something to eat?"


Kaldur pulled out a sandwich and went to hand it to me but paused.

"You are not allergic to peanuts are you?"

"Nope." I took it and opened the baggie before taking a bite.

And then... awkward silence.

Which I decided to break. "So, how was life under the sea?"

"It was...simpler than it is up here. Up here I must worry about the heat and getting enough water. And when I became Aqualad, I..." He sighed and didn't continue.

"Sounds nice. My childhood was mostly learning how to kill people." I leaned back, propping myself up with my hands

"That sounds...fun." He chuckled softly, doing the same. He placed his hand about an inch away from mine.

I glanced over at him a small smile on my face, then I moved my hand so it was barely against his.

At the contact he pulled his hand away quickly, before I could, looking at me with wide eyes.

"I'm trying to get more comfortable with people touching me." I wrung my hands together.

"How long did it take for you to let Robin touch you?"

"A little less than a year." I answered not looking at him.

"You haven't known any of us for nearly that long, do not force yourself to let us touch you. There must be a reason to why you don't like being touched."

Sighing I leaned over and  pressed a quick kiss to his cheek.

"I need to go...uh. Thanks Kaldur. This was fun. Incredibly awkward, but fun."

I got up and walked in the direction of the Zeta Tube...but not making it there before I was intercepted by my brother.

"See that wasn't too bad now was it?" Triton grinned leaning against one of the trees sheltering the photo booth.

"Incredibly awkward."

"Well yeah, you should have taken off the jacket." Triton waved a hand and a bit of water pulled down the zipper of my jacket.

I simply glared at him, zipping it back up to cover the low cut shirt he had gotten me.

"I'd prefer not to look like Drew thank you very much." I put my hands on my hips.

"Yeah yeah. Just admit it Perce. You had fun."

"Again. It was incredibly awkward."



"Sup dude? How was the, and I quote, 'incredibly awkward' date?"

"I'm sorry, who are you?" Kaldur slipped his free hand into his pocket.

"Friend of Percy. And by the way, next time take her to the beach."


I had to deal with my mom yelling at my aunt and uncle (which she's justified in cause my uncle was talking crap about her not having a job...which she doesn't have cause she has to take care of my grandma.)

And to be fair she asked for one Saturday when I was eight months old

ONE Saturday for one of her four siblings to take my grandpa to dialysis

Just so she could go out with her friends on a Friday night

(And the moment she started standing up for herself my aunt got her daughter and left)

So yeah...

I'm gonna post homecoming pictures in a book sometime, so I'll tell you when I do.

And...of course



See yah

The Masquerade (Fem. Percy YJ Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now