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I yawned and walked into the living room, not expecting for anyone to be up.


"Jester?" I thought she went home with Artemis earlier.

Despite being awake, she didn't respond, instead staring at the floor.

I frowned and sat in front of her. "Are you okay?"

"I...I promised her." She mumbled.

"Who was she?" I...I do not know why, but I have this urge to help her. To comfort her.

"My friend...I drug her into this." She laughed as tears began to stream down her face. "It's my fault. It's all my fault."

She wrapped her arms around her stomach, probably tight enough to hurt herself.

My eyes widened and I sat up next to her before prying them away.

"It is okay. It's not your fault." I hesitated a moment before guiding her arms to wrap around me.

She sobbed and tried to pull away, but I held her closer.

"Why can't you just leave me alone?!" She flailed, attempting to free herself from my grip.

One of her hands caught against my gills causing me to wince.

I grabbed her arms and stared at her. I leaned in and pressed a soft kiss to the corner of her mouth.

"I do not know why, but...I just want to keep you safe." It doesn't make any sense.

Why do I feel like this towards her? This is the first time I've ever sat down with her.

Jester stared at me in shock, the eyes of her mask wide.

Then she got up, mumbling obscenities.

I watched her pace for a few minutes before getting up.


"You shouldn't feel like that! You should hate me!" Her voice was shaky. "You...you shouldn't remember that you love me."

I raised an eyebrow, resting a hand on the side of her face. "What do you mean remember?"

"We...we went on a few dates and then I got scared...I don't want you to get hurt so...I called in a favor. Made you forget about me. And I know it was selfish and-"

I pressed my lips to hers, cutting her off.

"You...you're not mad?" She mumbled,  pressing her face into my chest.

"Explain why you got scared."

Jester's shoulders dropped, soon followed by the rest of her body as sobs consumed her once more.

Sighing I knelt down and scooped her into my arms. I carried her to the Zeta Tube.

Aqualad B-02

Jester B-08

We reappeared in Gotham.

"Where do you live?" I questioned.

"I can get home by myself." She was shaking in my arms. "Can you put me down?!"

I frowned and sat her down. "Are you okay?"

"I don't like being touched...I was fine for a little bit because I warmed up to you but...it took me years to let Rob hug me without warning. But picking me up is a whole different ballpark."


She seemed to realize something. Then she sighed and took my hand.

"Might as well show you, just in case you ever need to show up unannounced."

She drug me through the streets eventually pulling me into a building.

Jester leaned against a wall, gasping for breath.

"Are you okay?"

She nodded. "I haven't slept so I'm kinda tired."

"And why haven't you slept?" I questioned looking around the dining room.

"It's stupid. You can go if you want."


"Nightmares okay? They were bad before but now-" Her hands clenched.  "I'm...I'm scared to sleep without someone next to me."

My face softened and thoughts ran through my head.

"See, it's stupid. I'll...I'll stop by later. Bye Kaldur."

She disappeared off to her room, but I didn't leave.

I walked into the living room and sat down, pressing my hands against my eyes.

I have no idea how to process this.

"Uh...I thought you were going to leave." Jester walked out in pajamas, blanket draped around her shoulders. "And...my name's Percy."

"Percy." I said, liking how the word felt.

"Why are you still here?" She raised an eyebrow.

"You...you said you were scared to sleep without someone else...and I want to uh...nevermind." I quickly stood up, realizing how forward even asking would be.

"You...you want to stay?" Percy questioned.

I was silent for a moment before nodding. "Yes, but only if you are okay with it."

She swallowed before grabbing my hand again and leading me into her room.

The bed was messy, rolls of bandages littered the dresser, clothes were strewn across the floor including her costume.

"Sorry about the mess, Annie..." She trailed off.

A head shake later and she was back to normal.

"So uh...what side do you want?" She gestured to her bed.

"It does not matter."

She nodded and flopped down, pulling the covers up over herself.

I made the other side of the bed before laying down on top of the blankets.

Percy rolled over and stared at me. "You can cover up."

"I will be fine." A smile tugged at my lips. "Do you care if I-"

She moved close to my chest, a pillow sandwiched between the two of us.

I wrapped my arm around her.

"Just a warning. There's a fifty-fifty chance that my dad will kill you if he finds you here."

I chuckled. "Goodnight Percy."

"No, seriously. That wasn't a joke."

This is crap but...

Stupid snow day, I wanted to get the ACT out of the way now it's on March 12

Which...I also know some school (USD 312 Haven Schools) has theirs on April 2 now.

I keep getting messages and I don't know how to get them to stop

But bright side, I have that information in case I ever need it...not sure why I would but *shrug*

And I finally made the sequel to Concealing Shadows.

Which...when I told my friend who read it she said



Do you have any ideas cause I have two projects due this week and two tests...

You'd be doing me a huge favor cause I can't brain

See yah

The Masquerade (Fem. Percy YJ Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now