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"This is my younger cousin." Diana gestured to me. "She's a demigod as well."

"A daughter of Aphrodite perhaps?" Wally looked at me.

By looked at me, I mean flirted with me.

"Wonder Woman, do you really think-"

"She is one of the best strategists I know."


Not like my plans didn't kill my friends or anything.


Did the gods tell anybody?

Nico would probably know...but then again he knew who I was and he didn't tell me.

I looked at the other teens and...

Artemis was staring at me intently.

Well this might end badly.

Like I said, only Annabeth knew about both sides of my life.

"Actually I'm not one of Aphrodite's. I would have murdered one of those kids if I was."

Diana chuckled. "Drew?"

"Gods yes."

"I know you!" Artemis finally yelled.

I tilted my head and looked at her. "I'm pretty sure you don't."

"Really?! You think I wouldn't recognize my own best friend?"

I chuckled a bit. "Dude, I'm pretty sure you aren't my best friend. My best friend would have kicked me to Hades and back. Although I could play with Ceb..."

Then I looked at Diana. "Welp. Are we gonna make a plan or what? Cause if not I have a pegasus who really wants donuts."

"Why? Why do you have to be like this?" She mumbled.

"Okay. If you aren't my friend, then why is your hair the exact same?"

I mentally sighed.

Isn't it good that I already thought of answers? For once, I'm prepared.

Go ahead and gasp.

"Really? That's sweet. My friend actually does my hair. And if you confused me for your friend...if we ever meet we can pull so many pranks!"

And it is at this point I believe Diana officially gave up.

She should have expected this.

"Wonder Woman, how can we trust her? You are the only one who knows anything about her, you refuse to give us a name-"

"Because she doesn't want you to be able to track her every move. Her life is already hectic enough without us tracking her in case she ever becomes a threat."


"So," I clapped my hands. "What are we up against?"

Batman pulled up a screen, showing a picture of me with some information.

"Jester. She's Harley Quinn and the Joker's daughter. She is an excellent hand to hand combatant. She also shows proficiency in using knives and smoke bombs. On top of that she is seemingly immune to Belle Revs inhibitor collars. And she is very skilled at escaping."

"Anybody know her? Like anybody she might trust?" I looked at the Team.

"She might trust me...but then again she probably won't..."

I sighed. "Well, I would try to lure her into a false sense of security. Then have some of you guys nearby so they can capture her. Worst case scenario..." I shook my head. "Hopefully nothing worse than you losing her trust."

"You say that. But how often has one of your plans fa-"

I glared at Diana. And even though she couldn't see my eyes, she winced.

"You know."

"What does she know?" Connor crossed his arms.

"How badly my plans can turn out. The Fates are not exactly my biggest fans...at this point I think they have a competition on who can screw with my life the most."

That isn't a lie. I'm pretty sure they actually do.


I looked over, ignoring Megan. "I really need to get going. I didn't tell Mom where I was going and after what Crazy Old Bag Lady did, she's kinda gotten strict."

"Can't blame her. But I might IM you later. If they need your help or anything."

I frowned. "You know I try to stay out of this. I've dealt with enough drama for like six lifetimes. I don't want to get involved anymore than I have to."

"You already helped us make a plan. Why not come and make sure it all goes to plan?" Rob looked at me.

"I have my reasons. I'm leaving. Oh, and since you dragged me here... you're so getting him two dozen donuts."

And I'm just skipping over the trip home.

Cause Blackjack was asleep. So I had to wake him up.

And then I had to listen to him complain all the way home.

"There she is." Mom smiled. "We were wondering-"


I smiled and returned the hug. "Hey Aunt Ivy. I didn't know you were gonna be here."

"I was just about to leave. You really need to come visit me sometime. You know- Oh yes, your little baby is doing really well. I left her on your windowsill. And are you ever going to tell me where you got her from?"

I shrugged. "Honestly no idea. But I don't think visiting is a very good idea right now...Kiddie Justice League is after me. Don't want to lead them to you."

Ivy smiled and kissed my forehead. "That's sweet of you. I really need to get going."

I grabbed her arms. She winced.

Sighing I leaned my head against her chest.

"I know..." She mumbled. "I'm sorry Percy. I'm not the best person to be a role model for you. Not with the way I am. I'm a abomination."

"No you aren't!" Mom yelled.

I looked up at her, Ivy I mean. "She's right. You aren't. But even if you were...you would be the best, most awesome abomination ever. And I would still love you. Cause you're family Ivy."


Did you guys know that Poison Ivy has actually tried to kill herself multiple times?


(If the picture loads up above, I didn't draw it. It was done by a girl at the Mini Comicon and that's what I kinda looked like. I'd post an actual pic but they're all on my mom's and there's not enough signal to get them)

No idea why I put in parentheses.


And...I guess.

See yah

The Masquerade (Fem. Percy YJ Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now