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I watched as Dick did his gymnastic routine in the gym.

"This is quite the setup." I commented.

He landed perfectly, before straightening to look at me. "Yeah. I was an acrobat...my whole family was, at least until they were murdered. So Bruce got all this stuff so I didn't have to give up what I love. Speaking of which, anything you like to do?"


"I uh...like fighting."

"I don't mean things you had to do, I mean what makes you happy."

I shrugged. "Swimming, fighting, wrestling, swordfighting. Or stuff like that. And..."

I walked over to the bar and did a less complex version of what he did.

"I do a bit of gymnastics too."

"How'd you get into some of that stuff?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Wrestling was just how us street kids toughen up, fighting for sport got me some money, gymnastics the money from the fights paid for lessons. Swordfighting..."

I trailed off, trying to think of a good answer. "Well, I got a present from someone when I was about twelve...my first sword." Only sword. "And then I would end up getting kidnapped and taught by someone wearing a ski mask. Every Sunday at...eight AM."

"Well, that's better than my whole born into the circus thing. I'm pretty sure Bruce can get some swords and maybe spar you or get one of his friends to."

"I'll just call up one-"

"I heard someone say swords." Bruce poked his head into the gym.

"Uh...yeah. I swordfight."

"What style?"


His eyebrows drew together in confusion. "You know those are like two completely different styles right?"

"Yeah. Roman is stabby stabby while Greek is more slashy slashy." I smiled.

"I know someone who might like helping you learn some more about the Greek side... where'd you even learn how to do that kind of fighting anyway?"

"I was taught some stuff...And YouTube. Surprisingly, telling the library staff that you're listening to an audio book while watching how to sword fight videos to scare off creeps works."

Sighing, I ran a hand through my hair. "But my sword got stolen."

Which isn't a lie. Travis and Connor try so many times.

They always forget Riptide returns to me.

"Come on." Bruce tried to grab my arm, causing me to flinch away.

"You okay?" Dick narrowed his eyes at me.

"Not used to adults trying to touch me without hurting me. Kids...I'm a bit better." I walked over and ruffled his hair.


"Come on you two, Dick how do you feel about learning swordfighting?"

"I'm down for it."

Bruce lead us to a storage closet and...

"Why do you have so many swords?"

"I'm a billionaire and I get bored. Just find one that seems to fit you."

I walked over to the swords, looking for one around the size of Riptide.

Um...this one.

I pulled the sword out of the rack, and for a random sword it's pretty balanced for me.

"Bruce, shouldn't I use something...less deadly?"

"Nah, there was a girl I knew who got a dagger when she was seven. She was fine."


"Here, I'll help you pick one." I went through the basic process I used with all the younger campers.

"And you know this how?"

"Told you. I did have lessons. I actually helped some kids get a better sword."

A good lie always incorporates the truth in some way.

So we soon had swords picked out and I was just about to show Dick the basic stance.

Which um...this whole sword fighting thing ended rather quickly.

Since I wasn't risking hurting him.

I may be one of the 'best swordfighters since Achilles' but I'm not risking hurting him.

Well, more so him accidentally slipping and stabbing himself in the foot.

That was a fun explanation.

Bright side I did get out of teaching for a week. Downside, dish duty for three weeks.

"So um, are we done here? I got a call from my-"

"Where did you get your phone?" Bruce looked at me.

"I work Bruce. I make money. I was able to get a phone and manage to pay my phone bill. But anyway...I got a call earlier, went to voicemail, and one of my friends wants me to meet them. Something about getting hurt."

"How bad is it?"

I shrugged. "No idea. He usually gets himself into trouble."

No idea who I was talking about. See bad lies.

But when you have to lie, there is no such thing as a bad lie.

Just lying badly.

"Okay. Don't do anything illegal."

"If I can avoid it I will."

I pretty much ran out of the gym and out of the Manor.

And out of sight of the place I closed my eyes and focused.

I felt my body dissolve before solidifying.

"Percy?! What are you doing here?" Mom caught me as I stumbled forward.

"Got arrested. Turns out I have an uncle. And I needed to get out of there...too many questions...too many restrictions."

Seriously, there are so many ground rules it's not funny.

"You are so your father's daughter." She mumbled, leading me into my room.

"Which one?"

"Both of them pudding. Now I need you to relax."


"You're hazy...misty... Poseidon said this might happen if you vapor travel when you're tired...you haven't been sleeping very much have you?"

"Yeah huh."

"Don't lie."

See? Lying badly.

Okay this probably wasn't very good because I'm half asleep and I'm gonna head to bed soon.

But uh...ideas? Mainly cause I...


Please please spam me with comments and messages...

But only if you are reminding me to...



See yah

The Masquerade (Fem. Percy YJ Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now