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"Ugh." I slowly opened my eyes.

And then regretting it as a bright light was shining right in my face.

"She's awake!" Somebody yelled.

I groaned. "Do you mind?"

"Yes, yes we do."

I sighed. "Bats."

Sitting up I noticed that I had been handcuffed. And one of those inhibitor collars was on my neck.

Not like it does anything to me. I should know. Dad stuck one on me once.

"Where is the Joker?"

I shrugged.

"Where is he?!" Bats glared at me.

"I don't know. Dad isn't exactly the most trusting person in the universe. Even when he's not being insane."

"We can do this the easy way or the hard way. Your choice."

I chuckled. "Easy and hard. Doubt you could top what I've dealt with."

"Listen chick, talk before we have to do something you won't like." A red head boy scowled.

"Okay. I have no idea where my dad is or my mom. I don't even know what we were stealing."

"Then let us help you. Let us help you start being somebody other than the villain your parents made you. We can help you, we are the heroes." The Atlantean said, thankfully not recognizing me.

I snorted. "Who was it who pretty much kidnapped me, taking me away from my family? And what do you guys actually do? Clearly not your job, cause if you did my..." I trailed off.

"Your what?" Rob questioned.

"Doesn't matter. But still, if you did your jobs I wouldn't have almost gotten raped in an alley today!"


"I killed him don't worry your pretty little heads."


"And you really are stupid. Did you really think going after my dad without breathers was a good idea? If I wasn't there that place would have been so gassed up that Man Bat over there wouldn't have enough antidote. So you guys really are idiots."

"That's it. Miss Martian."

She nodded, eyes glowing.

Telepathy huh? This is going to be fun.

"Her barriers are strong. I don't know if I can break them."


I could feel my mental walls start to bow.


"Hey, how long does it take to get out of a pair of handcuffs and one of these collars?" I questioned.

"Like we'd tell you." The red head glared at me again.

Man what is his problem?

"Aw come on babe. Don't be like this. We can help you." Kid Flash went to put his hand on my shoulder but I flinched away.

And before you make any assumptions...

No. Dad did not abuse me. I just have...somewhat of a fear of being touched.

My mental barriers were getting close to breaking, at least the first one was.

What? You thought I only had one?

What kind of idiot do you take me for?

"You okay Jest?"

"You know her?" Superboy growled.

"Well, duh. She's been doing this longer than I have." He subtly gestured to the left. Which was where the exit probably was.

But, let's hope that thing I've been working on...works.

Right before the Martian broke through, the handcuffs fell off.

"Good thing my Dad isn't here. He'd kill me for taking so long."

"Is anybody else noticing the similarities or is it just me?"

I grabbed his arm and threw him into the others.

Contact when fighting I can deal with.

I jumped up and kicked Bat's chest, knocking him back before landing a hit on Miss Martian who was still trying to break into my thoughts, unaware of what was going on in the outside world.

Aqualad formed two swords out of water standing in front of Rob.

"Aw. Won't you let me have my fun with the birdie?"

"If you want to get to him you have to go through us." Red hair said, holding his bow out protectively.

Oh please. Not like I'm gonna hurt the kid.

I'm...well I am my father's daughter.

But I'm my dad's daughter too.

So my loyalty to my friends and my loyalty to Dad...

"So be it." I shrugged and swept my feet under his feet before rushing into the hallway.

I felt a jolt of electricity as Bats tried to use the collar.

See, this is one of the reasons it doesn't work on me.

The amount of times I've been struck by lightning...

I turned left...and reached what looked like a hangar.

Only issue?

I couldn't see a way out.

Okay really hope this will work.

If not I'm screwed.

I could hear them run in.

"Put your hands in the air and get on the ground."

I smiled and looked at Artemis. "You know, I wondered why I hadn't seen you. This explains a lot really."

"Jester, just stop. We can talk this out." Rob put his hands out in front of him.

Sighing I shook my head.

"Sorry Rob. But I can't do that. My dad... he's...well. If I don't come home soon, he's not going to be happy."

"Why care about what he feels?" Superboy growled.

My shoulders dropped slightly and I smiled sadly. "Because...him and Mom...they were the ones who saved me. Who raised me. Gave me a family. They're my heroes. Not you. Them."

Shaking my head I chuckled, pulling out a smoke bomb. "Isn't it funny how that works? But... I'm at the end of my act. So for my final trick. I'll make myself... disappear.

Okay so...

Thank you GrandmamaEster for that dialogue.

And before I go...

Percy is comfortable with some people touching her.





Artemis, Cheshire, Icicle Jr

And Poseidon.

But that one's a HUUUUUGGGEEEE iffy thing.


See yah

The Masquerade (Fem. Percy YJ Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now