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A few weeks have passed and Jungkook was super nervous. Taehyung wanted this wedding to be as soon as possible. There wedding day was planned to be on May 20, 2019. Three days! Jungkook and Taehyung both had everything they needed. They had their tuxes. They had the rings. They had everyone that was going to come. Everything was going to be perfect.

* * *

The day of the wedding. May 20, 2019. It was 3:58. The ceremony started at 4:00. Jungkook was all set. They had decided to get married in the forest. Near a family-friendly resort. The aisle was covered in rose petals and the arch was decorated with pine needles and flowers. Everyone was seated. Even Mr. Kim decided to show up. It was now 3:59. The lights were shining and everyone was looking back. The organ started playing. Jungkook's mother was sitting in the audience shedding a tear. And Jungkook's father was standing next to the door, ready to walk down the aisle with him. Everyone turned towards them. The flower girl and some of Taehyung's friends walked down the aisle. Finally, it was Jungkook's turn. He was trying not to cry himself. It was even more perfect then he could have imagined. Taehyung looked so handsome. The priest looked so ready. Jungkook was ready. He grabbed his father's arm and walked down the aisle. Everyone's glances and smiles, made Jungkook feel so much happier. Finally, Jungkook made it to the stand. Taehyung was standing and everyone else was sat down.

"Taehyung Kim, do you take Jungkook Jeon to be your husband?" the priest said

"I do," Taehyung said without hesitation looking directly into Jungkook's eyes

"Jungkook Jeon, do you take Taehyung Kim to be your husband?"

"I..." Jungkook stopped speaking, he heard something

There was a moment of recollection. There was a moment of memories. There was a moment of silence. The air was cold and there was a sound in his ear.

"Jungkook?" a voice whispered. Jungkook opened his eyes to realize he wasn't in the forest. There was no big audience watching him. But a lake, shining it's beautiful water back at the shadows, a bench, sturdy to hold two people, and Taehyung sitting directly next to him.

"Jungkook? Are you awake?" that was Taehyung's voice

"Huh? Wait, where am I? Where are the people? Where is the priest? Where is the forest?" Jungkook was whisper yelling

"Jungkook, you are at Disneyland. The date is February 23, 2019. Remember I was taking you here to give you your break that you deserved? Is everything okay?" Taehyung sounded concerned but joking

"But we were just in the forest and we were-" Jungkook tried to speak but was cut off by Taehyung

"It seems like you had a bad dream. Let's get you home and take the day off tomorrow. You could use the rest. Plus it is starting to sprinkle." Taehyung added

"O-okay thanks."

* * *

As Taehyung dropped Jungkook home, Jungkook grabbed the keys and ran up the stairs. Not even shooting Taehyung a goodbye look. Taehyung drove away and Jungkook bolted to his room. The cold air surrounded him. The tears of the clouds drenching his sweater. When he made it back to his bed, he laid there in shock. It was really all just a bad dream. I mean Jungkook knew it must be an illusion when his boss told him, "Call Me, Tae."

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