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jeongguk awoke with his phone buzzing like crazy. his glasses at the side table, tangled in the charger. people would always describe jeongguk as an organized person. truth be told, he's not. he finally got his glasses on and his phone off the nightstand. he picked it up to see what had spammed him. only realizing he got many random texts from a stranger. the texts read things like, 'i  love you.' 'pickme up" "hEyYYyYyYYy!!!' Jungkook looked down at the messages then realized he had given taehyung his number the night before. it can't be. he was too professional. he would never. jeongguk looked down at the digits in amazement. he decided to text back, just to see who it really was. 'taehyung? was that you?'

almost immediately a text appeared below. 'i am so sorry, i didn't mean to say that, i was drunk and that happened. please excuse me for being unprofessional.' he didn't. it wasn't him. however, when your drunk you don't necessarily say what you mean. thoughts were rummaging through jeongguk's brain but before he could think another thought the doorbell rang. he had completely forgotten. his coworker hoseok was here to pick him up. hoseok was his closest friend and jeongguk was thankful to work with him.

"coming!" jeongguk yelled as he ran to the door, he opened the door and there hoseok was with two other people.

"hey, jeongguk! sorry for being so early but today I picked up yoongi and jimin and i didn't know how long it would take to get to their place and back."

"it's fine. let me get dressed first." jeongguk said, "you guys can come in."

hoseok, yoongi, and jimin all walked in, took their shoes off, and sat patiently. jeongguk walked up the stairs and put on a plaid flannel and dress pants. he walked downstairs to see that lisa was sitting on the couch.

"hey, baby, ready to go?" lisa said, her legs kicked up on the ottoman

"when did you get here?" jeongguk asked

"oh, about five minutes ago, but hoseok was here and his gay friends so i told them

to leave and i would take you."

"um, okay," jeongguk said putting on his suit jacket and walking out the door into

lisa mini cooper.

the drive was long and boring because all Lisa talked about was taehyung and all the stress he's giving her.

"since when is mr. kim give you a hard time?" jeongguk asked

"Ever since I started at the stupidest company, and your no help!" lisa stormed

"i'm sorry i haven't always been there but there are some things going on."

"well own up to them or shut up and pay attention to me with your smart mouth."

"i can't tell you. lisa, i would tell you but i need to think about it."

"then get off your ass and get out of this car. because i don't want you in my car."

"you can't be serious."

"try me." lisa smirked

a click of the car's lock system was heard and jeongguk's shiny dress shoes were on the ugly asphalt. covered with dust and dead leaves. lisa's car quickly drove away. he went to the sidewalk, opened his phone, looked for someone to call. he was pretty close to the office but didn't want to walk. then he got a call from mr. kim.

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