twenty nine (Aspen)

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A girl with flowing auburn hair tucked within itself on the top of her head, her eyes simply fresh and her face content. She follows after two brooding figures, numbness filling her veins like salt in ocean water.


Passing through the hallways, trailing behind a blonde haired girl with eyes of emerald green. The end of her dress uncomfortably tugging at her skin, floating across the floor with each step.


Sneaking to the roof of a party with two other girls, one being the blonde girl, and the other with mesmerising eyes and a rugged personality, shrugging off the authorities which threaten to cloak them.


Laughing till the sky turns a deep navy blue with stars like small droplets of diamonds shining brighter as the darkness impresses upon them. Conversations running long into the night, common feelings pulsing through the veins.


Talking about their parents in such a way never imagined. Calling them liars, cheats and frauds. But never really knowing the meaning of those words until it is too late.


Escaping from the house at unruly hours of the morning, a dark glow hanging over the city like a vapour, their legs shivering in the wind. Meeting each other where they always do, greeting with a familiar smile and warm embrace. Catching a ride to the nearest party and dancing till their heads hurt.


The consequences lying just under the surface, their actions representing so many things that they can't comprehend. But the drinks and music seem to flush it all away, invade their thoughts and leave everything clouded.


Parties stormed by people in uniforms, bodies shuffling around frantically, bumping into one another. The auburn haired girl falters to the ground, scrambling to find her feet. Everyone else running in different directions, confusing their already muddled brains. Before getting snatched away by brooding arms, taking them to the clutches of their parents.


Her friend who came up with the ideas of sitting on the roof, exposed to the night sky, and entering parties still underage, seems too familiar to the bar tenders at each place she goes. The auburn girls itches with curiosity but never allows her mouth to form the question.


The same darkness that entraps her each night before her heart rests to a calming beat, have always seemed such a dangerous depth. Deep water which she can't swim, no matter how hard she struggles, no matter how hard she fights.

* * *

My breath catches in my lungs, sustained momentarily, stuck.

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