nine (Raine)

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My mind is racing. It hasn't stopped since my almost kiss with Henri. That moment had been so, so perfect, but of course Adele had to ruin that. Not that she cared; she was happy enough to be passed out drunk on 'Nate's' lap. Obviously she regretted it. Not.

I haven't said much to Henri since then...mainly because I haven't had any idea what to say. So with these thoughts running through my mind, I haven't stopped to notice the tinted windows that carefully masked our location; the suspicious, heavily tattooed man sitting beside the door. Haven't recognised the icy, anxious feeling grasping my stomach. I hadn't stopped to think about this until it was too late. Far too late.

The car slides to a stop in a terribly lit location. The sick feeling increases, my clammy hands slipping from the plush, leather seats. Aspen moves closer, he eyes portraying the confusion that swirls within me.

"Where are we?" She asks shakily, gripping my arm for support. My eyes follow hers to the muscled man; there's just something about him; it puts me on edge. Instead the doors unlock; I didn't even realise they were locked in the first place. He pushes the door open, a washed out light filling the car.

"We're here." He answers, before stepping out.

Across from me, Adele stirs, moaning a little and clutching her head. "Ow." She mutters, pressing against her temples experimentally. She blinks a little, looking over at Aspen and I.

"Girls?" She murmurs. "What's going-"

Nate interrupts her smoothly. "Hey; you're up."

She turns to face him, a frown creasing her forehead. "Nate?" She questions, confusedly. He smiles a little, curving an arm around her shoulders, helping her up. "Come on." He murmurs. Ad with his help she stands, pulling down her dress, before slipping through the door.

Aspen turns to me quickly, wringing her hands fearfully. "Raine; listen to me, this isn't right, we're in serious tro-"

"Hey," Nate says, sticking his head back inside the car. "I think you guys should get out here; Adele's not looking too good."

I look back to Aspen; take in her uneasy stance, somewhat dishevelled hair, slightly, smeared makeup. She doesn't finish whatever she was trying to say, only sends a fearful glance in my direction. She runs a hand through her hair, standing from her seat. "You coming?"

A small "Yes," sounds from my frozen lips.

"Okay." She replies quietly, stepping away with Nate.

Go. I will myself. But as hard as I try, I can't get off the seat. My whole body feels frozen, the ice gripping my stomach until I can barely think straight. "Hey." A smooth voice murmurs, a warm hand curling around my own. Henri offers me a small smile, drawing me closer. "Are you alright?"

I shake my head a little, "No, no I feel...awful."

He nods a little. "I know; I feel it too."

Something is definitely wrong. I feel sick; Henri feels sick and Aspen...Aspen knew what it was. But she couldn't tell me.

"What do we do?" I ask, my voice breaking slightly.

"We don't panic." Henri replies; gaze holding mine. "We just need to work out what this is; but that won't happen from inside this car."

"Alright," I reply, voice strengthening "Let's go."

Henri stands, helping me to my feet, and out the car.

I blink my eyes a little; become accustomed to the darkness. We're parked on the side of a small alley, the street empty and silent. Rundown buildings rise high enough to block the moonlight, casting shadows against the road and car. And as my eyes adjust, a warehouse materialises from the darkness in front of us.

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