nineteen (Adele)

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HEY :D So I've decided to skip the part where I blab on about useless verbal diarrhea and just let u read because this chapter is VITAL!!!!!! u'll understand y VERY soon ;) ;)


(and please let me know if there are any mistakes cuz i didn't get a chance to proof read)


It's been too long; Raine's absence. Hours since Aspen's brother lead her through that door, hours since a word has been exchanged between us, the room ringing with an itching silence. I inhale slowing, and exhale, my breath shaking on the way out. Something isn't right, hasn't been right the moment we entered this room. And despite my best efforts, I cannot pinpoint what exactly that is.

I look to Aspen, who stands within the circle of her boyfriend's arms, and realize, for the first time, that I am glad of Kade's presence, as he comforts her in a way neither of us girls ever could. His gentle eyes find mine and they are certain, of what, I am not sure. The corners of my lips curl a little, not quite a smile, but close enough and I nod, mouthing a silent thank you. He nods back in approval.

I strain my ears against what sounds so dangerously close to sobbing and lunge for the door, prepared to face whatever fate awaits beyond it. But instead the door is opened for me, flung so close the wood scarcely misses my face.

I stand in awe as a tear streaked Raine enters, desperately clinging to the arm of a very beaten down Henri. Aspen's brother follows close behind, his lips curled into a satisfied grin.

“Are you alright Adele?” Henri's laughing eyes find mine, “you look like you've seen a ghost.”

I blink a few times, just to be sure. “Well since you're supposed to be dead, I suppose I have.”

He laughs and soon we are all doing the same, everyone but Raine who appears slightly bedraggled, even more so than Henri.

Aspen's bother claps his hands together, wearing the same content smile, “Well I'm glad we're all here together.”

And that is when the laughter dies, along with my playful grin.

Oliver, now that was a surprise. He is the last person I could have ever suspected to be behind all this. He had always been so distant from everything and on the few occasions I saw him, it had only been brief. Although one thing that was so apparent then and still now, is the fact that he is impossibly handsome. With his sharp features and rich brown hair. I had always secretly admired him from a distance, despite the age difference between us.

To me he was strange and foreign, but most of all free, separate from the family, from the countless rules, in ways I could never be. I had not once shared these thoughts with Aspen, and even now can think of nothing worse. As my admiration towards him has withered and died, my previous feelings reduced to nothing.

But just now, as his eyes briefly settle over mine, it is as though he knows, his lips curling into something that might be confused as a smirk of sorts. My cheeks colour as I glance back, and I hate myself for it.

Oliver clears his throat, and I tear my eyes away. "Feel free to look around," he says, still smiling, "make yourself at home."

I snort. He says it as though such a thing could be easy.

I glance around the room, past Raine and Henri who seem to be engrossed in a silent conversation, past Kade who speaks to one of the guards, enquiring of something maybe. My eyes settle on Aspen. 

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