Chapter 11: No More

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*The song is gonna be a scene where Nightblade begin to go against Soundwave while other Autobot crew begin to preparation for their escape and Nightblade's.

Nightblade is looking at the reflection of her sword and seeing her new optic is blood red color. It is like her piece is missing and it would never come back. So she swings her sword in every diagonally and focus her stance on her movement. She is been training her sword for few months and even her hand combative skills as she need to regain her strength. She had her courage back when she learn the painful memory. Her instinct kicks in, she had to put her weapon down.

She frowns angrily and turn to who has came. As it Starscream, who opened the cell door and he come forth. "What do you come here for?" She mellowed.

"Lord Megatron has requested to come receive you to meet him." Starscream spoked in disapproved. "Since you... been silences for long time after he stripped your ranks."

Nightblade pulled out something on her servo and dropped the damaged communicator device in front of him when the seeker commander discovered the Autobot brand on that device. "Well... it would be a perfect time for me to go meet him. There is something... I want to regain my honor." She responded darkly.

When they arrived at the command deck, Nightblade has been escorted to her master after she receive her visor and blaster gun from her quarter. The dark warlord turned around when his servo is on his back. "Leave us, this is between me and my student..." The vehicon soldiers went back to their post.

"Starscream has inform me of what you have, Nightblade... and you want to regain your honor for the Decepticon?" Megatron spoke to his student.

Nightblade nods her helm a bit, "Yes... I may discover where the surviving Autobots in the other system. After I had they're trusted in me..." she explained.

The dark warlord smirks evilly and chuckle a bit as he finally sees his student has finally come to her senses. "Well done, my student, give Soundwave the coordinate to their location and we'll be preparing for battle."

"Before I do that, my lord, I want to be required in the field and extinguished the Autobot scum myself... alone, but I do not mind if you needed the one who can witness my wrath..." Nightblade replied.

Megatron begin to think of her request in his deep thought. He stare at Nightblade's reflected visor it sees through her optics, but her tone is serious about her attention to kill the Autobot crew in the ship. "Very well. Soundwave will be the one to witness to see you in battle."

The femme saluted and bow her head. "Of course, my lord, a fine choice." She walks over to Soundwave and begin to give him the coordination of the Autobot Ship.

When the Nemesis arrived to the other star system, they sees the spacecraft is drifting in the other planet's orbit. With Nightblade and Soundwave at the top of the ship, she changed her visor tint to go darker to hide her faceplate. So then Nightblade and Soundwave transformed into cybertronian jet mode to fly over after the Decepticon ship shoots the tow cables toward the Autobot ship. Nightblade impacted her t-cog to transform back to the normal form and she threw herself into the window. She takes out the blaster gun and then Soundwave arrived in the back of her. Soon Nightblade went to entered the corridor from the room after she notices the silent mech went over to the nearby computer to prepare for the security system to shut down. She walks out to proceed the task.

Earlier in Cell, Nightblade is still chatting with the Autobot who is called Locklane has been told by second-in-command about the debt. Even Perceptor has overheard the story and he may can help her for the debts before he went with Autobot Spacecraft: Ark. The plans are okay from Locklane, but Nightblade needed to act smart and play the role when the time is right for them.

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