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Earlier after Nightblade joined the Autobot, Ratchet has been testing the Nightblade's CNA since she told every information about this Shockwave's secret project that Nightblade would believe that she is a super soldier for what Megatron told her. The medic has almost finished the processing of CNA when the other mech in red and blue arrived to see what his old friend had discovered. "Ratchet, how is the process of Nightblade's CNA test?" The Autobot leader asked politely.

"It is an almost finished process, old friend. Nightblade is different than other Decepticon that I knew a little about her." The old medic responded as he soon about to finished. "But... she is reminded of... the Silver One's traits. The poor headmistress who was extinguished in her Academy when Decepticon bombed the Vos City." He added.

The process in the computer has completed and it starts to reveal the detail in the screen monitor. Both Ratchet has become shocked by this revelation and Optimus sees the details of the truth.

"This... This has to be a mistake!" Ratchet frowned. "She is not really a super soldier, a clone, or any volunteer she has never been in Shockwave's experiment!" He turned to Optimus. "Optimus, we must tell her the truth about this revelation..." he says to his leader.

"Agreed, old friend. But I feared Nightblade has made her choice of these vows. Despite her memory loss, she will be confused and angry about the truth if we tell her. The weapon of the vow she wanted Megatron to tell her the truth... I begin to see why Megatron was protecting her, but using her is unacceptable to lie about her..." Optimus says calmly. "But I will question her to see how her memory is recovering. It might take time for her to come."

"I... understand, Optimus. I just couldn't believe Megatron would do such a thing to his own!" Ratchet said furiously.

Soon they heard the footstep coming over and turned around to the source, Bumblebee came over after he walked in at the wrong time when he heard everything. His expression is surprised by the truth about Nightblade. [I'm sorry to eavesdropping... I didn't mean to come over at the wrong time.] He buzzes.

"It is fine, Bumblebee. And Nightblade?" The Autobot leader asked.

The minicon walked over to and takes a seat by Bumblebee, "Recharging... she had been through a long time. If you want some answer from me... I will do what I can to share with you, but no one leaves in this room."

Ratchet and Bumblebee look at their leader who is deciding these terms of this minicon. He steps up a bit and then... he answered, "We accept your term, Ravage. You may begin to tell us, when did Megatron know the Silver One."

=End of Story=

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