Chapter 8: Path To Isolations

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It is been two diun later, Nightblade has been staying behind since she got a disciplined by her Lord Megatron verbally. For the first time in her life, she stayed in the fortress and even she is forbidden from going anything to the outside and even go to the mission with her master. She is now stuck here and becoming bored with doing nothing. She would go the training at the Pits of Kaon, but there are no other bots to come training with her. Soon... Nightblade sees the spider femme who is about to walk by. The feeling of her spark and reading the optics that Nightblade did not like her since she met her in elsewhere of the fortress with her master.

When Nightblade was a youngling, she feels suspicious about it after meeting her in the command center. She stayed close to Megatron when hiding behind his leg from her before Airachnid got a glimpse of her with the web-slinger and carrying her in the uneasy way to be held like that. Starting whimpering like a sparkling who is afraid that caused by this femme and it almost made Megatron furious... until youngest Nightblade got her limb freed and smack the spider femme's faceplate when she dropped her. The youngling femme got the webs off from her frame and went to her master's side. But it was past now, she is grown femme who is now siding with her master as the bodyguard. She already had courage from fear to Airachnid, but her suspicious stills stand before the two femmes met with each other in the corridor.

"Nightblade, is it? You are quite grown since I last saw you, I heard the mess you cause the other seekers flew into the building they've crashed. How amusing," Airachnid smiled deviously.

Nightblade frowns, "Laugh all I care, Airachnid. Don't think I ever forget that you were trying to scare me off when I was small. And I don't even trust you with those venomous talk with my master..."

"Come now, Nightblade, I only did to serve our lord Megatron. There's no need to be hostility to your own comrade, you may be the best asset to me if you can be the best of bodyguard in my side," The spider femme says that to her when she steps up to her, but Nightblade has her plasma gun out and aimed at her spark chamber.

"You are too close to my comfort, Witchbot. I don't trust you and that tone of yours..." Nightblade retorted quietly. "And second... I only serve Megatron more than any other include you."

Airachnid glares at her, "So I see where your loyalty lies in be sided... Interesting." She walks away from Nightblade when she passed her. She stopped, "Oh, and you won't be seeing me again, Nightblade. I'm sure you can relieve your problem when I planned to go." She smiled evilly as she resumes walking away.

The young swordwielder never dare to turn her helm around and then she walked away as well. She got a called from the mad scientist who needed a volunteer for his research. With no question further, she gladly accepted and meet him at the next stellar cycle in the Pit.

When the time comes by, Nightblade has arrived in the Pits of Kaon when she walking to the center of the arena. Shockwave is at the top of the tower and he has a datapad out to prepare for the test his project. The swordwielder seems to sense something behind that caging door is rushing when it clanking the metal bars. She takes her time before Shockwave releases them.

Meanwhile, Megatron has return to the Fortress from the mission to search for Trypticon's wreckage site. He soon sat down on his throne and looks at the Luna-1 and -2 at the views. Remembering the time of Golden Age... where he was gladiators and the other... the femme who showed him the scenery of the luna-1 and -2. "'The two moon shines a light, the world is blight into darkness, the spark born into the night. When the small light still brights'... Those poetic things I will never forget her words before she perished..." Megatron murmured softly.

'It starts

With the unexpected loss

Of something dear'

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