Chapter 1: Search Mission

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A few stellar cycle later, the ruined city of Vos is been derelicted location in the Cybertron since the mysterious missile attack and bombed the building. The team of Decepticon has been patrolling the each sector of the streets and they are led by the femme who had a black colored, blue lining marks and purple strips with blue aqua colored optics. She is kneeling down on the ground and looks around for enemy called the Autobot who comes. But what she discovered is that Vos City is nothing but empty casualty.

"Head back to the empire! There are no Autobot around in this sector. Nothing but ghost city." She ordered the squad as she got up on her feet. "I'll be going out alone and search what I can find."

The squad has finally got up and ready themselves to return back to Kaon. "Why would Lord Megatron put her in charge. She doesn't seem to be bot who can do like Airachnid." One of Decepticon soldier muttered.

"Do not question our lord Megatron. I have heard the rumors of this femme Nightblade who is the student of the lord who shared his skills and knowledge to her. We may never know what we seen her fight against Autobot."

The young femme, Nightblade, overheard the squad in the distance and she is not really complete her training, not yet. Seeing the Decepticon squad has been left the sector. She took a glance off the steps of the platform and landed her feet in the ground, and she walks through the streets of the city calmly. She breathed in her pipes and sighs loudly to let it out. "Finally... I don't have to deal with those squad's bickering." She relieved as she doesn't want to any escorts coming along for her search mission and she resume her way into the city. "Now I can do this with no problem. Let see... this location is called Vos City and it used to be peace and neutral, it was a home of the seekers. Huh, I wonder Starscream is aware of his home got bombarded by the missiles. Eh, I bet he did already. Even I do feel sorry for this mess." She put her servos on her back of her helm while walking casually to search around this material for what Megatron mention it.

Sooner or later, she looks up at the building of the academy and she may felt... nostalgia for that place. It felt like she is safe, but her mission is important to find this material in Vos. 'Maybe one check won't hurt,' she thought as she went towards the building and entered inside. 'I gotta remember that I should keep cautious about my surroundings.'

The buildings were... familiar despite the huge interior design of academy's lobby. She keeps walking her way to explore the corridors as she felt her body is leading somewhere she never knew. Suddenly her instinct kicks in and she keeps her cautious as she went in the cover quick. Took out her blaster gun from the magnetic holster and waited for the time to surprise someone. Heard the footsteps in headed that way and coming over here slowly... then she comes out of the cover and aimed her weapon at someone who had a weapon out as well and aiming to her. This mech has the yellow colored with black strips, his faceplate is tint chrome and optics are blue-aqua.

"Who are you? And what are you doing here?" The mech inquired.

"That's my line, scrappy. But I found this place before you." She replied, the worse insult she ever come up with it and seeing him gotten flinched but wonder what sort of insult she has a weak name. 'Screw this insult.' She thought. "Now you can just leave this place peacefully and pretend none of this is happened. So don't make me shoot you by my own hand..." She offers a peace way to go separately.

The mech seems to notice her eyes that she never killed any other bots before. He already notice that Decepticon brand shield on her shoulder plate, but this femme is different. He slowly puts away his weapon and even she did as well.

"You don't look like a intimidating bot for Decepticon, what's your name?" He asked.

"That's rude. You don't seem to be threat for the Autobot from what they say?" She replied. "But I'll make a exception, my name is Nightblade. And yours?"

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