Chapter 2: The Vow

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In Pits of Kaon, the femme has the few component parts she got in the crate: 1 Energon cube, sword handle part, and rare alloy. She preparing to craft the weapon with these each of parts and being careful with the Energon to merge the rare alloy to process it. She keeps focusing on her work as she slammed the hammer on the two material of alloy and Energon carefully. When she keeps going, and going, and going to infuse them together. In a short moment, she has completed her infusion material and then she is prepared to forge the material into the weapon. It would be difficult to focus on her crafting, but in her mind that she is having trouble with understanding the situation.

In her flashback, the youngest femme Nightblade is sitting on the rooftop of an auditorium at the Pits of Kaon. She keeps her knees together in underneath by her arms on top, she is staring at the two moons when she wonders about why she keeps coming to see the two moon at the sky. But... she even sees amazing of the view and she feels like at peace.

"Enjoying to see the two moons, Nightblade?" The femme turn her head around a bit to the source and saw her master Megatron comes to her.

The youngling got up quickly and stand up. "I apologize, Master Megatron. I'll resume the training-," she said.

"Unnecessary, Nightblade, you still have time to be free before we resume," he speaks to her gently as he looks up the sky to stare at the two moons. "I did not expect you to come to the high rooftop of the tower, you do not have the t-cog to fly for the jet form."

"No, master, I don't know how to fly like the other seeker ranks." She answered to him. "I just jumped on the platform to platform."

"I am impressed, Nightblade, you have learned very well in the training. But you still have a lot more to do for your progress."

The youngest femme still staring at him who is enjoying the view so she decided to question him. "Master, what was the Golden Age like in your time?" Seeing her master is silence and stare at the sky. She added, "For I heard... it used to be beauty, peace, and tranquility in that era. What has caused the war?"

"... An old friend, Nightblade... he betrayed me and I was supposedly selected to become a Prime."


Still, no response from him and she tried to ask him politely. And then... no response again. She is curious about what reason to start the conflict. The youngest femme has been left with no answer from her master.

The flashback in her mind ended... the last of her younger voices echoed.

'Master Megatron?'

The young spark is almost finished with her forging the weapon after she blinks back to focus on her project. She added the hilt into the sharp blade and then... she has finished the weapon she wanted. A sword. It shaped like a disc shape hilt and blade-shaped of the two-blade. "Has Bumblebee telling me truthfully?" She asked to herself until she swings her sword diagonally to the bottom.

At the time of the new day, the training has been resume in sword weapons in Pits of Kaon. The young spark is going on the swing downward and diagonally upwards at the metal pillar. But she is getting a little lack of wielding the sword and her stamina for her speed is slowly depleted the energy. As her mind... she couldn't focus on her concentration on the training. She keeps getting distracted by the other things what Bumblebee have said to her and it bothers her. When she questions herself and couldn't speak out in the public from her mentality. It lasted a little while, she got knocked down on her head in back and her legs went backwards when something knock her again to cause her fall to the floor. She groaned hurtfully and looks up at the front of her... as it reveals to be Soundwave and his two loyal minicons, Laserbeak and Rumble. The short bot minicon starts to chuckle deviously at her who is finds it annoying.

"This what you get for shooting your own! And now you keep distracting yourself in your training!"

Nightblade groaned a bit. "I don't have time for this. You can try to complain to me, but none of it isn't gonna resolve the issue about the last of my first mission." She mellowed sourly at that minicon.

"You know what my boss says, Rumble superior... Nightblade-," Rumble speaks up.

"Inferior." She interrupted rudely. "I have no time to argue with you."

Soundwave stares at her as he watches she's leaving the arena. One of his minicon scoffs. "Pfft! She got no guts to be tough lieutenant rank yet. Will she?"

His superior ignores his comment and knows that Nightblade is indifferent bot who has no memory of herself and everything, but one thing that she is holding her back. She has been questioning about the past and she is getting more curiousness to discovery about the war.

At the top tower, Nightblade stares at the two moons and questions about herself in her mind. She doesn't know why she came to see the views of the moons, wondering why her body lead her to see the two moons. It is like her body is telling her something she has to find her answers... or maybe it needed to make her remember who she is. 'Who... am I? And why did I made it sound hostility towards some of Decepticon people?' She questioned herself mentally.

In the next dawn, the young spark has waited for the master in the coliseum since she had been summoned for an important reason. She took her sword out and start cleaning up the sharp blade with the stone rock. It would take three or four minutes to clean and sharpen her blade so it won't be long for her when she took care of her things. Her focus on the blade as it reflects the mirror of herself but noticing someone's reflected on her back.

"Impressive weapon you have."

Nightblade turned around and gotten surprised by her master silently, she felt embarrassed about herself that she didn't know the instinct of the presents.

"This sword is custom made? Do you make this on your own, my student?" Her master asked politely.

Nightblade blinked without hesitating. "Of course, my lord. I crafted the rare alloy infused the Energon. The handle hilt is also crafted as well. Without the scratch of it." She explained.

The Decepticon Leader is amazed at her skill of craft the weapon of forging, Nightblade lifts her arm up and offers her master to try it. He takes a sword and stares at it, his mind is deep thought and it really sees the blade is durable as it looks. "So she has made the choice of sword weapon..." He thoughts in his mind.

"It maybe my first forged the sword since... I don't know how to explain but I had this feeling about this raw material. And I located where it was.." She finished her explains.

"I see. Now, my student, it is time to join the ranks of the Decepticon. You shall be the right-hand of the bodyguard to protect me from threats." Megatron speaks as he set the sword between him and Nightblade who kneel down into the ground in front of him and the sword. "As the vow, I shall tell you the truth when the war against Autobot has been defeated... and after... you must have to carry your sword for all eternity when I alive. If the vow is broken when I fall... you will not be able to find the answer as the broken." He stabbed the sword into the ground.

Nightblade nodding her head and she stands up when she grab her sword. So she pulls it up and sheathed into her back magnetic holster, accepting the vow of his. "I shall honor it for you and the Decepticon, my lord, I accept the vow." Nightblade accepted as she saluted.

Megatron smirks to finally see his student has a good promising. "Welcome to the Decepticon ranks, Nightblade. Now let us go to our fortress, my trusted bodyguard."

"By your words, my lord." The young swordwielder bows her helm at her master.

And so... Nightblade has joined the lieutenant ranks of the Decepticon and become the right-hand bot to protect her master in any cause.

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