Chapter 3: The Second Chance Minicon

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*Note: I can't find what happen to Ravage in Prime so I decide to make him partner with Nightblade. So bare with me and I apologize with this. ^^;

It is been a few orn later, Nightblade has been doing the crafting as she made the visor mask for herself that would make to protect her face since she had her faceplate. She put it on her face when it attached to her helm and then the visor pops out in separate two on each side of it. So now she can hide her identity from the other Decepticon and the Autobot, even she can relax her expression from the mellow ego.

She had left her quarter and then suddenly she notices the slim mech is walked out to the other corridor. Noticing the small shape of the creature in four legs has been lie down and... it has the scarred and dents. The young spark is shocked and feeling sympathy for the minicon who hasn't gotten any repairs. Knowing this minicon's designation 'Ravage' who is part of Soundwave's loyal. She had no time to stand alone and took the feline minicon to the medical center.

Unfortunately, the Decepticon medic refused to repair the poor minicon and that... made her angry a bit.

"What do you mean 'I can't repair this minicon'!?" Nightblade questioned the medic officer. "I'm very sure Ravage needs a chance! Fix him, Knock Out!" She tried to shove the damaged minicon at him.

The medic officer whom named Knock Out and he can't take the damaged feline minicon. "Nightblade, why did you care about Soundwave's former minicon? Didn't you remember what our lord Megatron have-."

"Of course I do! But the weak has survived what's left of the energy! So fix him!" She demanded.

"I wanted to help, Nightblade, but if Soundwave found out through communication and security... Megatron will have our helms."


"He said he can't help you! Get it to your head, Nightblade! The weak minicon has no chance to live! 'The strong survived, the weak will perished.' This is the rules for us, Decepticon, from our Lord Megatron." Knock Out's assistant, Breakdown retorted.

Nightblade groaned a bit as she couldn't care what her master said... the argument is no use to continue so her words defeated. "Fine... I can do this by myself to help this Minicon." She walked away from the medical suite and she hurried back to the corridor.

In her quarter, the young swordwielder has begun to help the black feline minicon in the repairs with the tools she had them. She questions herself why would Soundwave gave up on his loyal subordinate. Whilst repairing, Ravage is still active and seeing young spark is helping him. Unaware of her notice, Nightblade shouldn't be helping him and let himself be dead... but it didn't stop her from helping him as stubborn as he thought of her. A foolish naive femme.

Time passes, Nightblade completes the treatment for the minicon who is recharge into sleep. She sighs in relief and smiled softly when she succeeded in her skills. She got the Energon liquid nearby and pour into the metal bowl for him. So she gently pushes the bowl toward him... and suddenly the feline minicon took a bite of her servo viciously.

"Ow!" She flinched as she moves hers away from the minicon. She stares at him and she wasn't mad at him. Seeing that minicon has refused to refuel the Energon. Nightblade sighs quietly. "You're welcome."

The minicon didn't bother to replying back and begin to lay there as much as he let himself die in malnutrition. Sensing that young spark still helping him and never gives upon him. The young swordwielder got up from the seat and keep her distance from his comfort zone.

"I'll be back, Ravage. There's something I want to do something for the while." She heads over to the doorway when it opened. "And there's an Energon by you if you want to refuel." As she leaves the quarter, leaving Ravage in the room by himself.

As soon as she leaves the corridor, Soundwave has been monitoring her in another corner when he senses his loyal subordinate is in the quarter. He regrets the action he made to abandon Ravage who failed the mission, but Nightblade is truly the different one than other Decepticon. She helped his minicon and keeping him alive from his near death. So it looks like... it is time to entrust Nightblade to be Ravage's new master.

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