Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

It's release day and I am up and ready early. The guys will be at the clubhouse at 2pm and it's only 11am. There's a knock on the door and I let Gemma in. "Hey baby. You ready?" she asks. "Been ready since 7am." I tell her laughing. "Good. Now, there's something I need to tell you before we head to the clubhouse. He told you about the crow tattoo but there's something else. There are croweaters all over that clubhouse and Juice was one of their favorites. Don't let them run over you. Stand your ground. No matter what you do to defend your place as his Old Lady, Juice, myself and the club will stand behind you. Don't be surprised if you have to beat a bitch or two before they get the message." she tells me and I nod. "I can handle that." I tell her. We talk for a little more and she says "You ready to go?" I take a deep breath and say "Let's go see our men."

It's ten minutes until two and I am getting nervous. "It's okay baby." Gemma tells me. "I'm just nervous. He told me that he didn't want our first kiss to be in a prison so this is the first time I get to kiss him. We've been together for almost a year and I still haven't kissed my Old Man." I tell her. We hear the rumble of bike and as they pull onto the lot, she tells me. "Lay your claim baby girl." I smile as he gets off the bike and I run at a full sprint into his arms. Hips lips crash into mine and he runs his tongue along my lips asking for entrance and I gladly grant it. Standing there on the lot, kissing my Old Man and to us there's no one else around. When we come up for air we are both smiling and I say "Welcome home baby." He kisses me again and says "Wait til we get home. You can give me a proper welcome." I smile before he puts me down but keeping an arm around me as he is greeted by his brothers and Gemma. Clay yells "Church in ten." before walking to the clubhouse with Gemma in his arms. Standing out in the lot, away from everyone else, he tells me. "I love you. Thank you for standing by me." I caress his cheek and say "I stayed for me too. I love you so much Juan Carlos." He kisses me again before we head inside.

I walk over to the bar where my best friend is. "How's it feel to finally kiss your man?" Lisa asks. "Amazing. Wow can he kiss." I tell her and we both laugh. "What about Tig? Glad he's home?" I ask. "Yeah. I am." she tells me smiling. A few minutes later, one of the croweaters walks up and says "I don't know who you think you are but Juice belongs to us." I look at her and stand from my barstool and get in her face. "I'll tell you who I am. I'm Juice's Old Lady. You or any of your little friends touch my Old Man and I'll cut your fucking tits off and slit your goddamned throat. Understand me?" I say. She looks at me shocked but nods and walks away. "What the hell was that?" Lisa asks. "That was an Old Lady putting a bitch back in her place." Gemma says. "Well done baby girl." she tells me and it makes me feel good that the woman that he sees as a mom approves of me.

A few minutes later, the guys come out of church and Juice comes right to me. "We have a few hours before the party tonight. Wanna go home?" he asks. "Hell yeah." I say. We head out to the bike and I get on behind him. I tell him how to get home and as soon as we walk in the door, he pins me to the wall. "I've waited almost a year for this." he says. "Me too." I say as I pull his shirt over his head and then pull mine off. Throwing them on the floor, he crashes his lips with mine and I stop him. Stepping back, I get on my knees and work my way past his buckle and release his hard cock. Running my tongue up his shaft before running my lips over the head and taking him in my mouth. I start stroking up and down his length as he moans. "Holy shit baby. Fuck that feels good." He tells me. After a few minutes he lifts me up and says "That's not how I want our first time to finish. Where's the bedroom?" he asks. I take his hand and lead him to our room. Laying down on the bed, he's on top of me in an instant. Kissing me deeply, he starts kissing down my neck and to my chest where he removes my bra and pays attention to both sensitive nipples before kissing his way down my stomach. He starts to remove my pants and panties and puts my panties in his pocket. He starts to run his tongue up and down my core, concentrating on my clit and causing me to lost control underneath his doings. "Holy shit, Juice. Fuck. I'm gonna cum." I moan and he stops. "I want to feel you." he says. He rids himself of his clothes and climbs on top of me. Rubbing his hard cock up and down my entrance I whisper "Please Juan. I need you." He slowly enters me and thrusts in and out at a slow and steady pace. He doesn't rush. Taking his time, he slowly makes love to me until I find my release and he follows right behind me.

Putting his forehead to mine as we catch our breaths he says "That was definitely worth the wait." I start laughing and say "I couldn't agree more." He looks into my eyes and says "I love you." I smile and say "I love you more." He lays beside me and pulls me into his side and says "Tonight, Happy is doing your crow. He drew it out a couple of weeks ago for me. But there's something else." he says. Sitting up, I sit up with him and pull the covers up around my naked body. He reaches for his pants and holds out a velvet bag. "You stood by me almost the entire time I was locked up. You've been loyal and faithful and my family apparently loves you almost as much as I do. You've given me a home and a life to look forward to. We've been together almost a year and we have gotten to know each other pretty well and I honestly don't see myself with anyone but you. Will you marry me?" he asks as he hold out the ring that was in the bag. I look at him shocked and say "Yes. Yes. I'll marry you." He puts the ring on my finger and kisses me softly. "When did you get a ring?" he asks. "It was my grandmothers. Only thing from my old life I kept. Had Gemma hold it back when you said you were getting my things for me." he says. "I love you Juan Carlos." I say. "I love you Cassie Danielle."

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