Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Dear Juan Carlos,

I got your letter, obviously. I think I'm starting to get used to seeing you in my mailbox. That's a good thing though. Gives me something to look forward to. Something good anyway. Well, as for telling you something that no one else knows. Not even my best friend knows this. I try to show everyone that I'm confident and that I'm in a good place but honestly, I'm probably the most insecure person you'll meet. There have been days where I have honestly thought about how easy it would be to disappear. You probably think I'm a total nutjob now. But you asked for something no one else knows.

Tell me more about you. What's your favorite color? Your favorite food? Favorite Marvel Character? Yes, I read comic books. I'm kind of a nerd too. I have my own collection of comics in my closet. My favorite color is purple. My favorite food is pretty much anything bbq. My favorite Marvel character is Black Widow just because I think she's bad ass.

Well, hopefully what I told you, won't scare you off. I hope I hear from you again. But either way, stay safe and stay out of trouble. Top priority...right? Until mail call.

Cassie Danielle

I put the letter in the mail and head to work feeling like shit. Why did I tell him that about me? I'm so fucking stupid but he asked. Maybe this will make or break this friendship. We will see. A few days later, there's another letter in the mail but I am scared to open it. Taking a deep breath, I open it.

Dear Cassie Danielle,

Thanks again for the letter. I'm getting used to having something to look forward to again too. As far as what you told me. I don't think you're a nutjob. I feel the same way sometimes. Sometimes I feel like I'm not good enough or like I'm gonna screw shit up. Second guessing myself all the time so I know how that feels. Things like that trigger my depression and anxiety and that makes it even worse.

To answer your questions, my favorite color is blue. Food is pretty much anything I don't have to cook. Marvel character is Hulk just because he's the shit. I can't believe you have comics. That's great. I love nerdy girls. Feeds my nerd side. Black Widow is pretty cool. Most chicks say Thor or some shit.

Don't worry about running me off. There's nothing you could tell me that would run me off. You're kinda stuck with me. You know, since I'm used to getting your letters and all. So, what do you look like. I'm 5ft 9in. Puerto Rican. Tattoos, mohawk with tats on each side of my mohawk and yes they hurt like hell but look cool so it's worth it. I have an athletic build. Dark eyes and hair.

Well, I better go for now. It's almost lights out. I'll be safe and be good. Promise. Until mail call.

Juan Carlos

I sit and re-read his letter. It didn't scare him off. Wow. But wanting to know what I look like. I don't know. Why not. Not like I'll ever meet him. As soon as he's out of there I'll never hear from him again.

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