Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

It's been two days since Juice "handled" James and I still have barely spoken. We had gone home that night and just laid in bed together, neither of us saying anything other than I love you. I'm sitting on the couch and Juice is at work when there's a knock on the door. I look through the peephole and see Gemma standing there with Tara and Lisa. I open the door and let them in and see they have a few bags with them. "What's going on?" I ask. "Get your ass in the shower. We have a wedding to get ready for." Gemma tells me and my eyes go wide. "Who's?" I ask confused. "Yours." Lisa says and I shake my head. "We're not getting married for another few months." I say as I sit on the couch. "It's been moved up. Everything's ready and your groom is waiting on you at the altar now get your ass in the shower so we can get you married." Gemma tells me. I smiled for the first time in days before doing as I was told.

An hour later, we walk into the back door of the clubhouse and Piney is standing there waiting on me. "You ready Sweetheart?" he asks smiling. "Yeah Piney. I am." I tell him. "You look beautiful." he tells me. I lay my head against his arm and say "Thanks Pop." before he walks me down the aisle. Walking up to the aisle, I see Juice standing there and he's grinning from ear to ear. The Justice of the Peace asks "Who gives this woman away to be wed?" Piney smiles at me and says "The club does." and I can't help but smile. He places my hand in Juice's and we just stare at each other. "You look beautiful." Juice whispers and I look at our hands, shyly. We go through the vows and half an hour later we are man and wife. I am now Mrs Cassie Ortiz.

We're standing around with everyone coming to us to congratulate us and Gemma walks over. "Thank you for this Gemma. It was perfect." I tell her as she hugs me. "Don't thank me honey. This was all your husband's idea." she tells me and I look at Juice shocked. He kisses me softly and says "I love you." I smile and say "I love you too." We go through the rest of the reception before heading out to his bike and taking off for home but not before him tossing the garter and Chibs catches it and Lisa catches my bouquet.

We walk up to the front door and he picks me up to carry me in bridal style. Locking the door without letting me go, he carries me to the bedroom where he lays me down on the bed. Hovering over me he says "Don't ever doubt how I feel about you baby. I will never love or want anyone but you." he tells me as a tear escapes my eyes. He wipes them away before kissing me softly. He deepens the kiss and proceeds to make love to me all night long as husband and wife.

I wake up the next morning and he's gone. I get up and walk to the kitchen to see him standing at the stove, cooking breakfast. I walk over and wrap my arms around him from behind and place small kisses to his bare back. "Thank you." I tell him. He turns towards me and wraps an arm around me and says "I just want you to be happy." I look at him and say "I am happy." He kisses me softly and says "Grab your coffee and get at the table. Breakfast is done." I do as I'm told and we sit to eat together. "What's on the agenda today?" I ask. "Whatever you want to do." he tells me. "Can we go for a ride for a while?" I ask. "Yeah babe. We'll go after breakfast." he tells me. We finish eating and shower together before getting dressed and heading out to ride and spend time, just us.

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