Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

I get up the next morning and since I have another day off, I head to the clubhouse. Walking into the office where Gemma is, I knock on the door. "Hey Sweetheart. I take it your Old Man cleared you to meet the family?" she asks smiling. "He did. Is it okay that I'm here?" I ask. "Absolutely. Let's head inside to see everyone. Walking into the clubhouse, we walk to the bar and a guy with a Scottish accent walks over. "Who's this lovely lass, Gem?" he asks. "This is Cassie. She's Juice's Old Lady. Cassie, this is Chibs." she says. "Nice to meet you." I say. A few others walk over and she says "This is Opie and you met Kozik already. This old fart here is Piney. This is Cassie. Juice's Old Lady." she tells them. "Hey guys. Nice seeing you again Koz." I say and he nods. "You're Juice's Old Lady?" Opie asks. "Yeah. I am." I say as I stand tall. "We just didn't think you existed. Koz said you did but we thought he was full of shit." Opie says. "It's good. I exist. I promise." I say laughing. We talk for awhile and I get to know them better before getting ready to head home. "Gemma, can you help me with something?" I ask. "Sure baby. What's that?" she asks. "Juice told me he was living in the dorm. Can you help me move his things to my house?" I ask. "I'll make sure everything is packed up and moved there tomorrow." she tells me. "Thank you." I say.

I get home and hear the phone ring. Pressing 1 I say "Hey baby." "Hey babe." He says on the other end. "I went to the clubhouse today." I tell him. "How'd it go?" he asks. "Everyone was really cool. Opie couldn't believe I exist." I say, laughing. "They've never seen me with a steady girl before." He tells me. "I asked Gemma to help me get your things moved in here. That way they are already here when you come home. Is that okay?" I ask. "That's fine baby. Thank you." he says. "I can't believe I get to see you tomorrow." he says. "I know. I miss you." I say. "Not much longer now." he tells me. "I know. I just want you here." I tell him. We hear the one minute warning and start saying goodbye. "Be safe and be good. I love you." I say. "For you baby. I love you." he says before the call ends.

The next morning, Lisa and I are headed to Stockton. Sitting at the table waiting on him to come in, he pulls me close and kisses my temple before we sit down. "Hey baby. You look amazing." he tells me. "Thanks. I started running in the mornings. Wanted to start getting into shape." I tell him. "When I come home, we can run together if you want." He says. "That would be great." I say. We talk for awhile and he says "We got our release date." I look at him shocked. "Two weeks from today." he tells me. "What?" I thought you had a couple more months?" I ask. "Good behaviour." he says. "Gemma is supposed to have the guys bring your things when I get home today. I'll have everything set up. I have a spare room that I'm putting your computer and game things in. I'll let you set that up how you want when you come home." I tell him. "Home. Wait? I get my own game room?" he ask. "Yep." I say smiling. His face lit up and he kisses my knuckles and says "You are the fucking best."

I get home that evening and the guys come over with Gemma and have all of Juice's things. "I left some clothes and the laptop that he uses for club shit in the dorm." she tells me. "That's fine. Thank you for this Gemma." I tell her. "You've been a good Old Lady. You ready for him to come home?" she asks. "I am. He said they get out in two weeks and he wants me at the clubhouse when he gets there." I tell her. "I'll pick you up that morning and you can ride with me. I know he's gonna want you on the back of his bike on the way home." she tells me. She hugs me before heading out once we get everything unpacked. I can't believe he's coming home.

I sit on the couch and my phone rings. Pressing 1 I say "Hey baby." I hear him on the other end say "Hey baby. How was your drive home?" he asks. "Good. Gemma met me here with your things. Said she left some clothes and your club laptop in your dorm." I tell him. "Good. Thirteen more days and I get to finally kiss my Old Lady." he tells me. "I know. At least our first kiss will be a happy one for sure." I tell him. "Hell yeah it will." We talk a little more before the one minute warning. "Be safe and be good. I love you." I tell him. "For you. I love you." he says before the call ends and I smile knowing he is almost home.

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