Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

After we both catch our breath, we lay, tangled up together, talking. "Two months from today." he says and I look at him. "I want to get married two months from today." he says. I look at him confused and he says "It will be a year since I got your first letter." he tells me. I look at him and smile and say "Two months from today." He kisses me softly and says "I don't think I would have come out the same if I didn't have you writing me and talking to me. Visits helped a lot too." he tells me. "To be honest, I don't think I would be the way I am if it weren't for you. Before I started writing you, I was alone. I tried dating but when you get told you're not good enough, enough times, it sticks with you. To be honest, I still feel like you're gonna wake up one day and not want me anymore." I tell him, not looking at him. He tilts my head to look at him. "I'm not going anywhere. There will never be a time that I won't want you." he tells me and I just nod. He falls asleep but I can't seem to get there. All that keeps running through my mind are my insecurities.

The next morning, I'm still awake. I get up and start breakfast and once it's done, I walk to the bedroom to wake Juice up. "Babe, breakfast is done. Wake up." I tell him. Kissing me softly he says "I love you." I smile softly and say "I love you." He looks at me a second and asks "You okay?" I nod and say "Yeah baby. I'm good." I tell him and I think he can tell it's a lie. "Talk to me." he says. "Nothing. Just my insecurities fucking with me." I tell him. "Babe..." he starts and I cut him off. "I know you love me and you aren't going anywhere. Just need to get the shit out of my head. I'm okay." I tell him. He kisses me again before getting up and heading to the kitchen to eat.

After breakfast, he heads to the garage to work and I head to work. Walking in, one of my co-workers walks over. "Hey Cassie." James says. "What can I do for you James?" he asks. "I was wondering if I could take you out after work?" he asks. "I don't think so. I'm actually engaged." I tell him and he looks at me shocked. "I didn't know you were seeing anyone?" he says. "Yeah. Kind of like keeping my private life private." I tell him. "Sure. But I'd still like to take you out. Show you that you have options." he says. "I'm not interested. I'm happy with my man." I tell him. He looks like he's getting mad and storms off. I pick up my phone and text Juice.

C: Babe, can you me here when I get off work?

J: Yeah. What's up?

C: Guy at work asked me out and when I told him I was engaged he asked again and got mad when I said no. Just don't feel like this is over.

J: I'll be there when you get off work. Me and Tig both will.

C: Thanks babe.

Then I motion for Lisa to come over. "Hey, Juice and Tig are coming to escort us when we leave." I tell her. "Why? What's up?" she asks. "James asked me out and got man when I said no. Just, something doesn't feel right." I tell her. "Yeah, okay. I won't leave until you go to." she tells me.

That evening, Lisa and I walk outside to see Tig and Juice standing outside the door. They walk us to our cars and I see James standing by the building watching us, pissed off look on his face. "That guy beside the building. That's James." I tell Juice. "Get in the car and lock it. Both of you." Tig says. We do as they say and they take off to talk to James.

"Can I help you?" James asks as Tig and Juice walk up. "Yeah. Heard you asked out my Old Lady today. Also heard that you got mad when she said no." Juice says. "That what she told you? Buddy, she asked me out. Told me her man wasn't doing the job he should." James tells them. "Well, I know that's bullshit. I find out you're talking to my Old Lady again or you even look her way, I'll find you and I'll slit your fucking throat." Juice tells James. James steps up into Juice's face. "Don't threaten me. I don't want the whore anyway. I just wanted the pussy." James says and Juice lunges at him. Tig stops him and says "Not here." Tig looks towards James and says "Stay away from his Old Lady and watch your fucking mouth. Get out of here." Tig says. James walks away with a smirk on his face and Juice turns and punches the wall.

Walking back over to the cars, Tig comes to my window and says "Head to the clubhouse. Don't make any stops. I'll follow." I nod and do as I'm told. Juice won't even look at me. Lisa is in the passenger seat and we head to the clubhouse. Getting out of the car, once we are on the lot, Juice gets off his bike and heads inside and doesn't say anything to me. Won't even look at me. I look at Tig and he says "He's pissed. Just let him come to you." he says and I nod. Lisa and I walk to the picnic tables and sit down. "Prospect, keep an eye on the girls." Tig says as he heads inside. "I knew this was too good to be true. I didn't even do anything and I've lost him." I say as I start sobbing. Gemma comes out and sees me crying and asks "What happened? I've never seen Juice this pissed and now you're here crying." she says. "I need to go home. I don't need to be here." I tell her. Taking off my engagement ring, I hand it to Gemma and ask "Can you give this to him and tell him I'm sorry?" She looks at the ring and says "Not until you tell me what happened." I look at my hands and say "Guy at work asked me out and got mad when I said no, that I was engaged so I texted Juice to come by when I got off work because something didn't feel right. When he got there, he confronted the guy and I don't know what was said but when he came back to his bike, he wouldn't even look at me and just took off. Tig made us come here and followed. Juice wouldn't even look at me when we got here. Still hasn't said anything to me." I tell her. "Put that ring back on. He's just pissed. I'll find out what's going on." she tells me and heads back inside.

Walking back into the clubhouse, she walks over to Tig. "You need to reign him in. Cass thinks he's pissed at her. Asked me to give him the ring back and tell him she's sorry. She thinks this is her fault." she tells him. "Shit. Yeah. I got him." Tig says. Tig walks up to Juice at the bar and says "I know you're pissed but your Old Lady thinks you're pissed at her. She asked Gemma to give you your ring back and say she's sorry." Tig tells him. "Shit. Yeah." Juice says as he gets up and walks outside.

As he walks up to the picnic table, Lisa pats my hand and heads inside with the prospect. "Hey." he says as he takes the seat next to me. I don't say anything. "Are you okay?" he asks. I just nod. "I'm sorry. I was just pissed and didn't mean to let you think it was at you." He tells me. "It's fine." I say. "No it's not. You didn't do anything. This ain't on you." he tells me and I just nod again. "Baby, please talk to me." he says. "If you don't want to be with me anymore, I get it." I tell him. "What? That's not it." he tells me and I feel the tears start to fall. "I'm gonna head home." I tell him and start to leave. "No you're not." he tells me as he grabs my wrist gently. I stop but don't look at him. "Baby, look at me." he says and I shake my head no. "Baby, look at me." he says again. Tilting my head up to look at him he presses a soft kiss to my lips and says "Dude just said something that pissed me off and Tig wouldn't let me at him. I just needed to get myself in check." he tells me and I just nod. Pulling me back to the picnic table, he sits down and pulls me into his lap and just holds me but I still don't say anything. I know what's gonna happen and it's what I was afraid of.

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