Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

It's Saturday morning and Lisa is there to pick me up. She walks in and I am putting the finishing touches on my makeup. My hair is in long dark natural waves and I have on my heeled boots with a pair of black jeans and my Black Widow shirt. I walk out to the living room and Lisa says "Really? Black Widow?" I start laughing and say, "We are both Marvel fans and I told him that she was my favorite. I told him I would wear it today so that he will know it's me." I tell her. "Smart." she says. We head out to Stockton and once we get in the car, I get quiet. "Just breathe babe. He's gonna love you." she says and I just nod.

Getting into the visitation room, she's at one table and I am at another. My hands are in my lap and I keep wringing my fingers, waiting for him. I see a man come in and he heads straight for Lisa. He's old enough to be her dad but she always did have daddy issues. He looks over at me and smiles and I smile back. He mouths "Breathe honey." I nod and release the breath that I had been holding.

A couple of minutes later, I see a guy walk in. He looks around and I look at Tig and he nods letting me know that was Juice and I stand. He sees me and smiles and my heart stopped. That smile. Holy shit. He walks over and asks "Can I hug you?" I nod and he pulls me to him and I wrap my arms around him just like he does me and he whispers "You're beautiful." He keeps a hold on my hands as we sit down across the table from each other. "Hey." I say. "Hey baby." he says. My hands are shaking a little and he says "I'm not going anywhere." as he looks into my eyes. "Good. How are you?" I ask. "A lot better now that I have my girl here." he says. "You still want me to be your girl?" I ask. "Hell yeah. Do you want to be?" he asks. I smile softly and say "Yeah. I do." Kissing my knuckles, he says "Then I guess we are official." he says and my smile widens. "I have a question though. What is your safeword?" he asks. "Mango." I tell him and he laughs. "Why?" he asks. "Because they're tasty and juicy." I say and he bites his lower lip. We talk for a little while and then the buzzer sounds telling us that visitation is over. "I don't want our first kiss to be inside here. That okay?" He asks. "Yeah. It is." I tell him. We stand and he pulls me to him and kisses my cheek. Whispering in my ear, he says "You owe me a Mango letter." before heading to the door to leave. Looking one last time, he winks at me with that panty dropping smile.

Getting back to the car, I'm still smiling. "How'd it go?" she asked. "We're together. He told me I'm beautiful and he wants to be with me." I tell her still smiling. "That's good baby girl. I told you." she tells me. I hug her and we head home. "What did he whisper to you?" she asks. "That I owed him a Mango letter." I tell her and she looks at me confused. "My safeword." I tell her and she just laughs. "You better make it good for your man." she tells me. "My man. Holy shit. I have a man!" I say and she starts laughing even harder at me. Pulling up at home, I walk inside and start my letter to my man.

My Juicy Boy,

Hey baby. I am really glad that I came to see you today. Well, you said I owed you a Mango Letter so here you go.

When you come home, I want you to come to my house. I'll let you in, pull you close and kiss your lips softly before deepening the kiss, both of us feeling the hunger and the lust that only a year apart can bring. Pulling you to the couch, I lower myself to my knees and work my way past your belt and zipper. Pulling your pants down your thighs, freeing your hardened length. Taking you into my hand, I run my tongue up the underside of your shaft and around the head of your hard cock before sliding my warm, wet mouth over the head and slide down until I feel you at the back of my throat. Sliding up and down your hard length, listening to you moan as you softly thrust in and out of my mouth.

Your hand is wrapped in my hair and you pull me to stand. Pulling my shirt over my head, you throw it to the side before ripping my bra off of me. You kiss me hard and deep before turning me around and using my bra to tie my hands behind my back. Bending me over the arm of the couch, you yank down my leggings before sliding one finger and then two into my core to make sure that I am wet and ready for you. Once you see that I am ready, you take your hard cock and enter me in one hard, fast thrust, causing me to scream out in pleasure filled pain before pulling almost all of the way out and slamming back into me over and over again, hearing me moan your name with every release of ecstasy. Pulling out of me, you lift me up and put me against the wall before entering me again. Slamming into me as hard as you can, causing me to dig my nails into your back before screaming your name when I cum harder than I ever have before before you put me on the floor telling me to open my mouth. Opening my mouth like a good little girl, I stroke your hard cock and take every drop of your hot cum into my mouth before swallowing your entire load.

That's just a taste of what I write and what I like. Hope you like it Juicy Boy. Something to think about when you are in the shower without me. Next time I write you a letter like this, I'll make it more Mango. Don't want to scare you too much too fast. I better go for now baby. Call me when you can and write when you can. Please be safe and be good. For me. Until mail call.

Your Cass

I put the letter in the mail and head to work. "Did you write it?" Lisa asks. "Oh yeah. I think he's gonna lose his shit." I tell her. "That good?" she asks. "Yeah. I let him have all the control in that one but the next one is mine." I tell her and she laughs. That night I get my phone call. "Hey baby." I say as the call connects. "Hey beautiful. How was your day?" he asks. "Good. Better now. I mailed your Mango letter today." I tell him. "Really?" he asks excitedly. "Yeah. I think you'll like this one. But this one is only a taste." I tell him. "I'm sure it will be Mango worthy." he tells me and I laugh. "Is it bad to say I miss you?" he says. "No. I miss you too." I say. We talk a little more and then we hear the one minute warning. "I hate that recording." I say and he laughs. "I do too baby. But I gotta go." he says. "I know. Be safe and be good." I say. "For you baby." he says before the call ends. A few days later, I get another letter.

My Beautiful Cass

Hey baby. I got your letter and all I can say is holy shit. I got up extra early this morning to get some alone time in the shower thinking about that letter. Wow. That was Tig asked what the letter was about because when I started reading it, my eyes went wide. I definitely want to do all of that to you. That was hot as fuck. So, how are you doing? I'm being good and staying safe and counting down the days until Saturday. Thank you. For being with me. I know this isn't easy and us starting our relationship with me in here is not ideal but thank you. You have no idea how much I need you. How much I want to be out there holding you. Kissing you. Just being with you. Showing you how much you mean to me.

I know, when we first started writing, you probably thought that once I was released from here that you weren't going to hear from me again. Just know that even if we weren't together, I would still stay in touch with you after getting out of here, especially the way you have stood by me but I have something I need to tell you. My family I told you about? Well, we're a club. Sons to be exact. I didn't tell you sooner because I wanted to make sure that you cared about me and not my patch. But seeing that you've stood by me like you have and we are together, I needed to tell you but I don't want to scare you off. I hope I still have you after this. You make me happy. Which ironically is one of my brother's names. But, seriously, I don't want to lose you.

I better go. Lights out soon. Please take care and I hope you're still mine. I'll be good and be safe. For you always baby. Until mail call.

Your Juice. Yours always

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