Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

Later on, we are sitting in Juice's dorm while Juice is typing away on his laptop. Jax knocks on the door and I let him in. "Finding anything?" Jax asks. "No. Nothing." he says defeatedly. "That's okay. We'll figure something out." Jax says. They walk out to the main room and outside to the picnic tables. We see Tig on the phone as Lisa walks over to us and sits next to me. Tig hangs up the phone and walks over to us. "Jax, we need to talk." he says. "Follow me." We all follow Tig to the side by the boxing ring and he says "Romeo wants a meeting. Just the three of us." Tig says. "He say why?" Jax asks. "Said he has some info we might find useful." Tig says. "Let's head out. Girls, stay close to Gemma. Don't let yourselves be alone. Period." Jax says and we nod.

Pulling up to the meet, the guys get off their bikes and walk over to Romeo and Luis. After shaking hands, Jax says "I hear you have some info for us." Romeo says "We do. We've been asked to take out an Old Lady." Luis says. "Who?" Jax asks. "His." Romeo says and nods at Juice. "Who asked?" Jax asks. "Clay." Romeo says. "That shit can't happen." Juice says. "We know but we have a plan. We know that Clay is running his own agenda." Romeo says. "What's the plan?" Tig asks. "We kidnap her. Take her somewhere safe and keep her in hiding. We stage it to make it look like we killed her and send the proof to Clay. We believe he's going to try to use it to get you on his side when he tries to vote Jax out of the club." Romeo says. "Shit." Juice says. "We can do it and we know just how to do it." Luis said. They all look at Juice and he nods. "What's the plan?" Juice asks.

A little later, we are at the clubhouse and Juice, Tig and Jax walk in. We sit around for awhile and the entire time, Juice is holding me close and kissing me softly. "I love you." He says. "I love you too baby." I say, snuggling into him. He's being more affectionate than usual. Something's up. I know it. We finally head home and when we walk in the door, we head to the bedroom to get ready for bed. I sit on the side of the bed and ask "What aren't you telling me?" He looks at me and smiles briefly at how I know him but then his smile fades. "We met with Romeo. Clay asked him to take out an Old Lady." he tells me. "Wow. Did he say who?" I ask. "You." he says. I look at him completely shocked and he sees the fear in my eyes. "Baby, we have a plan." he tells me and then tells me the plan. We spend the rest of the night making love before the big plan.

The next day, since lockdown is over, Gemma, Lisa and I are out to lunch and when we come out of the diner, heading to Gemma's SUV, a black van pulls up and grab me around the waist. As I'm screaming, they put a bag over my head so that I can't see them or where we are going. I hear Gemma and Lisa screaming as the van door closes. The bag comes off my head and the masks come off of my captors. I look up at them and the one that seems to be the leader says "The safeword is Mango." I release the breath I was holding. "What's the plan?" I ask. "We have a safehouse for you to stay until we can help the club with the Clay problem." he tells me. "Have you let Juice know you have me?" I ask. "Texting him now." the other man says and I sit back and 'enjoy' the ride.

Back at the clubhouse, Clay's phone rings. "Shit." he says, sounding pissed off. Looking at Juice he says "We're on our way." he says closing his phone. "Roll out." Clay says and they all head out to the bikes. "What's going on?" Jax asks. "Gemma. Someone took Cassie." he says pissed off. They all jump on their bikes and Juice is the first one out of the lot, seemingly freaking out. Pulling up to the diner, Juice runs to Gemma. "Where's my Old Lady?" he asks, panicked. "I don't know baby. We came out of the diner and a black van pulled up and grabbed her. I'm sorry baby." she says. Juice runs his hand down his face, stressed. He looks at Clay and says "We gotta get my Old Lady back." Clay puts his hands on his shoulder and says "We'll get her back."

The prospect takes Gemma and Lisa back to the clubhouse while Clay is on the phone with Romeo. "Thanks." he says before ending the call. "Romeo said he knows where they have Cassie. He wants us to meet him at the airport hanger." Clay says. They all head to the hanger and when they walk in, Romeo and Luis greet them. "What do you know?" Jax asks Romeo. "She's being held in a cabin out at the edge of town. I have guys watching the cabin so we can head there now." Luis says.

Pulling up to the cabin, the club, with Romeo's guys, planted of course, they head into the cabin. As soon as they walk in, all guns turn on Clay. "You thought you could have my Old Lady taken out? What were you getting out of that?" Juice asks, pissed off. "Get you on my side to help get Jax out of the club." Clay says. Luis and one of his men, pull Clay to the chair in the middle of the room and Juice takes Happy's bag of tricks, and spends the next hour, torturing Clay before putting a bullet in his head.

Once it's done, the guys walk outside and a van pulls up. Opening the door, I step out and run into my husband's arms. "Are you okay?" I ask him knowing what they just did. "I'm fine baby. Are you?" he asks. "I'm fine. They kept me safe." I tell him. Juice turns to Romeo and says "Thanks for this." Romeo nods and looks at me and says "She was a trooper." before walking off. We head back to the clubhouse and as we walk in the door, Gemma pulls me close. "Baby, you're okay." she says relieved. "We need to talk to you. All family in the chapel." Jax says. Once in the chapel, we filled everyone in and we all went our separate ways to process. Walking into the house, Juice pulls me to the bedroom. Laying me on the bed, he hovers over me and kisses me deeply. "I love you Cassie Ortiz. I will never let anything happen to you." he tells me. "I love you too Juan Carlos. I trust you baby." I tell him before he enters me and makes love to me all night long.

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