Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

I sat there and thought for a minute before calling Lisa. "Hey. What's up?" she asks. "Did you know that Tig and Juice were Sons?" I ask. "Yeah. But Tig asked me not to tell you. Said Juice wanted to tell you in his own time." she tells me and I'm quiet for a minute. "You okay?" she asks. "Yeah. I get it. He needed to know if I was going to be in this for him and not the patch. I get it." I tell her. "So what are you going to do now?" she asks. "What do you think? I'm standing by him. Son or not, he's mine." I tell her. "Good. Now, you need to tell him that." she tells me. We get off the phone and a few minutes later, my phone rings with that recording.

Pressing 1, the call connects. "Hey." he says. "Hey." I say. "Did you get my letter?" he asks. "Yeah and I get it." I tell him. "You do?" he asks, shocked. "You needed to make sure that I was in this for Juan Carlos the man and not Juice the club member." I tell him. "So...?" he asks. "You're still mine. But I have heard about the club whores and about free reign on runs. That shit don't fly with me Juice. If you're with me, you're with only me. I don't care what zip code." I tell him. "I'm good with that. I promise." he tells me. "Also, I know you can't tell me things going on in the club but all I ask is that you tell me what I need to know when I need to know it and know that I'm here if you ever need to unload and anything you say stays between us and I'll show you the same respect." I tell him. "I wouldn't have it any other way." he tells me. "Good. Now, tell me how my man's doing." I say. "A lot better now. Part of me wasn't worried but another part of me was." he tells me. "Baby, what did you tell me that first visitation?" I ask. "That I wasn't going anywhere." he tells me. "Neither am I." I tell him. "Good. So how's my woman doing?" he asks. "Good. Wishing I could see you but only a few more days." I tell him. We hear the one minute warning and he says "Sweet dreams baby." Smiling, I say "Sweet dreams Juan Carlos. Please be good and be safe." I hear him say "For you baby. Always." before the call ends.

Things have been going pretty good for a few months now. Juice and I write every week and he only has six more months to go before he gets to come home. We are still getting to know each other and he's filling me in on the ins and outs of being with a club member. I'm sitting on the couch when Lisa walks in. I see a man in a Sons kutte walk in behind her. "What's going on?" I ask. The blonde in the kutte says "All Old Ladies have to have an escort for a little bit." I look at him and then at Lisa and she says "I need to stay here and Kozik has been asked to stay with us." she tells me. "By who?" I ask. He speaks up and says "Your Old Man." I look at him shocked and then at Lisa and say "If he asked for it then there's a reason. Kozik, you can have the guest room and Lisa will bunk with me. We work together so we can ride together that way you only have one car to follow." I tell him and he nods. "I was asked to give you something." Kozik says and hands me a Sons hoodie. I look at him confused and he says "It's your Old Man's." Smiling, I put it to my nose and can smell him on it. Putting it on, we all settle down and order pizza.

We're sitting there for a few minutes before my phone starts ringing. I press 1 when the recording says to before walking to the bedroom for some privacy. "Hey baby." I say. "Hey. Did Kozik make it there?" he asks. "Yeah. He's staying in the guest room and Lisa is bunking with me. We're gonna ride to work together to make it easier for him to escort us." I tell him. "Good. I know this sucks but I promise you'll be safe." he tells me. "If you ask him to stay, there's a reason. I won't fight you on it. I trust you." I say. "Did he give you my gift?" he asks. "Yeah. Have it on now. Smells like you." I tell him. "Good. Keep it close." he says. "I have a question. I know we're together but I thought I was just your girlfriend. He called me your Old Lady. Isn't that like a huge commitment in your world?" I ask. "Yeah. It's like biker marriage. You get a crow tattoo with my name, marking you as mine and the club will protect you and no one will mess with you." he tells me. "Is that what I am? Your Old Lady?" I ask. "You okay with that?" he asks. "I love you. Of course it is." I say and then I realize that I said those three words first. "You love me?" he asks. "Of course I do." I tell him. "I love you too baby." he says. We hear the one minute warning and start to say our goodbyes. "Be safe and be good. I love you." I say. "For you. I love you so much." He says before the call ends.

I walk out to the couch and sit by Lisa. Leaning against her, she lays her head against mine and we just sit there. "I told him I love him." I tell her. "What did he say?" she asks. "That he loves me too." I tell her. "Good baby. So, you his Old Lady now?" she asks. "You Tig's?" I ask. "Yeah. He asked me last visitation. Getting his crow as soon as he comes home." she tells me. "Good. I'm sure he'll have me get his then too." I say. "You good with that? Being claimed like that?" Kozik asks. Looking him dead in the eye I say "Yeah. I am. I'm his. Period." I tell him. "Good." he says. He smiles at that.

Saturday rolls around and I am sitting in the visitation room. Juice walks in and I stand to greet him. Pulling me close he whispers "Thank you." I look at him confused as we sit down. "Kozik told the guys about you not fighting me about Kozik being there with you and making things easier on him and about you saying that you were mine, period. Clay, my pres, says I got a good Old Lady." he says. "What about you? Do you think that?" I ask. "I got the best one." he says. He looks at me for a minute and says "I love you." I smile softly and say "I love you too." We talk for awhile and then we hear the buzzer telling us that time is up. We stand to say our goodbyes and he kisses my cheek before putting his forehead to mine. "I love you Cass." he tells me. "I love you too Juan. Always." I tell him. We hug one more time before he is taken away and I head home to start my next letter to my Old Man.

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