Chapter 1 - A New Companion?

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Chapter 1


Jenny woke up with a start as her ship rocked from a collision. Her twin hearts beating frantically in her ears.



The heartbeat of a Time Lady, and from what she could tell, the last one in the universe.

Jenny moved to the front of the ship and flipped a few switches to stabilize her spin. Her blue eyes darted across the readouts to see what it was she hit. She was relieved to find she didn’t hit anything, but something collided into her.

“Alright, Looks like we got some salvage.” Jenny said to herself. She took the band from her wrist and tied her hair into a ponytail. Her hands danced across the controls and tractored the debris into the small cargo bay of the Messaline ship she stole what seemed like centuries ago.  

It was a small one man freighter, a single cabin and small cargo bay. The Messalines were in constant war for what seemed to be centuries, when it really only turned out to be a few months. The casualties amounted to the millions, but each side was able to quickly clone new troops that were fully combat capable and ready to go. Her father and companion Donna visited, and the Doctor was inadvertently cloned, which lead to her. The Doctor hates the military, so of course, she was rejected by him. Near the end, she was killed, and the Doctor and Donna left. Her being a Time Lady, allowed a partial regeneration. She guesses she was mostly dead, not all dead, or she would have a different face.

“Lets see what I got,” She said to herself. She didn’t have anyone else to talk to, so she’s taken to speaking to the ship. It was her blue box, and it took her wherever she wanted. Over the years, she’s grown quite attached to it, even whispering how sexy his throbbing engines are when she’s fixing his warp coils.  David (That’s what she calls her ship)  and her had quite the run. She mostly hauls cargo from planet to planet, and has set up a decent trade route. When she’s in the black, she mostly hangs out in deep space and enjoys the quiet.

Jenny walked to the back of her ship. The steel walls was a gunmetal grey with light panels  that activated when she approached. She contemplated upgrades, adding a few rooms and expanding the ship. But space fold technology was in it’s infancy, and even though she knew how to make a pseudo-TARDIS, the ramifications could… and most likely blow up whatever star system she was orbiting at the time.

She opened the cargo bay. It was roughly thirty meters square, and was littered with boxes and tools. A smile crossed her face when she found a large pock covered meteor roughly three meters across. She walked around the meteor, running her fingers over the rock. She was shocked to feel a small amount of heat emitting from it.

Pulling out a handheld scanner, she saw there was a metallic core that carried an electric signal. She rummaging through a nearby toolbox and saw what she needed; a long probe that emitted a high pitched sonic sound. A sonic screwdriver.

“This should work.” She said to herself. With a few adjustments, she pointed the device to the rock and pressed the tiny controls on the familiar rod. a high pitched ‘eeeeeeeeeeeee’ emitted accompanied with a blue light emitting from the tip.

. She smiled to herself at the sound. She knew she looked for any excuse to use the sonic screwdriver because it reminded her of her father.

It only took a moment, when the rock exploded. It  left behind a metal husk that has lain dormant inside. It took only moments before a wind up hum emitted from it. A menacing mechanical eyestalk raised up and looked at Jenny, who was frozen in horror. With a tinny, electronic voice that sent millions to their deaths, uttered…  

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