Real Life

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(Let's imagine that they have some canada flags in their hands, lmao)

Gigi pov:
I went hurrily to the airplane, 'cause I was already to late. Damn, she's my sister. I didn't know how to tell her the thing with Kendall.

Yeah, I love Kendall. She made me smile in my darkest times. She's so much more for me than she thinks. The pretty girl really changed my mind about her. Her and Kylie, but mostly about Kendall. I couldn't say enough how much I'm in love already. But I'm definitely in love. This girl. Why do I have to leave her? I think she'll be in my heart forever. She was the one girl who I imagined a relationship with. But God seems like he didn't want it. I can't decide between my dad and my first real love. But I did. Why did I decide? I'm so stupid, I'm worthless, I don't deserve the brunette.
But maybe I'll find another one, if I'll not come back. And maybe she has another one when I come back.
The thought of that situation made me feel awkward. I didn't want to think about it now. It would just make me cry and I don't want to explain that to my sister.

As I arrived the airplane I couldn't believe what I see. Kendall, Bella and two other stranger stand there with Canada flags. My mouth slowly dropped as they saw me and smiley hysterically. Okay, what's going on?

"My sister! Gigi, I missed you so much. I brought two new friends. That are Ashley and Tina. Feel bad that you couldn't come with Ken, but she said, you were busy and would come a little bit later," Bella grinned and I had probably the most irritated face ever. Kendall just looked at me with no emotions, but as my sister turned around she laughed suddenly. Then she came to me and gave me a little kiss on my cheek.

The place where she left the kiss felt so good, even though it was just my cheek. Ugh, I would die, just to taste her lips. Maybe that wouldn't be good, because I'm dead then, but I had the kiss. Or anything like that.

"Just a cheek kiss? Ashley, don't you want to see more?" Bella asked teasingly and looked at the blonde girl. My cheeks got red. Please no. Kendall didn't seem to be either, but still had a fake smile on. I could tell, then always smiled her eyes with her, but not this time. "Yeah of course we want! We will do this too!" Tina shouted and gave Ashley a intensive kiss. Holy crap, get a room you two.

"Oh yeah, before I forget, Ashley and Tina are a couple." No shit, Sherlock? Couldn't tell it the way they kissed. I rolled my eyes.
"We met at the bar, I helped Ashley as a guy flirted with her and she seemed very uncomfortable. After that we learned to know each other and after an hour came Tina. As she found out that someone wanted to grab her girl, she flipped out. At first I was confused but then I knew that they're together. And now I thought that they could come with me to America. But we'll fly next week again. I think I'll stay in Canada for a while," my sister explained and I nodded.

Thank God! Just one week. Not that I wouldn't want that she'll stay for longer, but the situation is now not the best. I noticed Kendall's glance and raised my eyebrows.
She leaned over to my ear, so just I could hear it. "You're a selfish bitch. Probably are you happy that your sister is soon away in Canada. But did you thought one time on the people who love you.. Or who you love? No. 'Cause a real sister wouldn't be happy when the sister leaves in a week. It's your fucking family, Gigi. I thought we would have our own, but that'll never happen."

That was it. I couldn't stop it and sobbed. Bella looked at me hurrily. "Hey, what happened?" she asked worriedly. Kendall was damn right. What am I for a sister? What am I for a human? "Nothing, I'm just happy to see you," I mumbled, but everyone could understand it. Ashley looked confused to my 'girlfriend' but that girl just looked away and didn't seem to interest that she hurted me.

I'm done with all the negative shit. I don't want to be a disappointment. That was my final choice.

I'll leave with my dad and break up the contact with everyone I love. Or should I say loved?

Sorry for any mistakes. But I hope you like it 😊❤️ and maybe leave some comments? I'm always happy to see some! 😂💕

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