New Job!!

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~The following day~

I woke up with some shushing sounds in the room. I opened my eyes and saw Michael carrying a bed tray and Aubrey and Prince are beside him and has a red rose in their hands. I sat up and Michael looked at me and he fake a big smile. 

"Did we woke up our mommy?" Michael said and he went to sit beside me and he put the tray on my lap. It's a full setup of pancakes that's shaped with heart and a strawberry and banana sliced and it's on top of the pancake. There's a glass of iced tea. 

"Mommy! Flowers for you!" Aubrey said. 

"Thank you baby girl! Did you guys prepared this for me?" I asked them while looking at Michael.

"Yeah, and you deserved this kind of breakfast." Michael said.

"Thank you so much! Let's eat guys?" I asked them and I looked at them and the kids just got their toys from their rooms and brought it here in our room. Michael placed a play mat on the floor so that the kids can stay there while playing. Michael sat beside me and I just ate. Just then, my phone rang and I looked at it and it's dad who's calling me.


R: Hi dad! Good morning!

D: Good morning princess. I heard that you have been kicked out from your agency?

R: Where did you heard that dad?

D: Jessie called me. I just wanna tell you that if you wanted to work, I can let you in a showbiz world.

R: Like filming dad?

D: Yeah, I know it's one of your dreams to be an actress. I'm just granting your dream.

R: Dad, that's a great news. I'll talk to you soon and I need to tell my husband about it. And if he agrees, I'll call you immediately. 

D: Sure princess. Bye! Kiss my grandchildren for me and say my hello to Mike.

R: Sure dad. I love you dad.

D: I love you more, princess.


"What did your dad said?" Michael asked me.

"Dad knew that the modelling agency kicked me out and he wants me in the showbiz world, you know filming and all. I told him that I needed to talk to you about it." 

"Why do you need to consult for me? It's your decision. If you want it, my support is 100%. And if you don't want it, I'll be supporting you and our family."

"I just want you to know that I'm willing to be an actress."

"It's one of your dreams and I won't stop you from getting it. Just remember that I'll be here at your back, supporting you through whatever the future brings." Michael said.

"How about the kids? If I'm working and so do you, who will look out for them?"

"Mommy, I think it's time to hire some nanny." 

"Mike, I don't trust them well enough."

"I know, but I can't risked my job, also yours."

"How about mother and Toya?"

"I'll asked them about it. But if they're unavailable, we're gonna need a nanny, whether you like it or not."


"No buts, babe. Let me handle this." I just sighed and got my phone. I message dad about this.

"Hi dad! About the film, I'm accepting it. Any film would be great! Thanks again." 

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