Phone Calls with Raine

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~The Next Day~

I am in my dressing room when I heard my phone rings. I looked at it and saw it's Raine calling.


M: Baby!! I missed you so much! Did you just arrived?

R: Well, I miss you more baby boy. We just reached Neverland. The kids are fast asleep on their bed and I don't want to sleep yet, so I decided to call you and tell you that we reached home.

M: Is it night time there?

R: Yes baby. It's already 12 midnight. How's your show? Did you already performed there?

M: Yes baby. I performed yesterday and it was awesome. I had fun and the crowd is fun and everything else is perfect. Until, something creeps me out here.

R: Why? What happened baby?

M: Well, if I tell you this, please don't be mad at me..

R: Why? Did you do something wrong, Michael?

M: No baby! I swear! It's not me.

R: Then who? Baby, talk to me. I'm all ears to you. If you have a problem, you can talk to me and we'll figure this out, together.

M: (Sighed deeply) Well, you know my leading lady in "The Way You Make Me Feel" music video, do you remember her?

R: Yeah, was it Tatiana?

M: Yes, that's it. 

R: What's wrong with her?

M: The way she acts towards me, it creeps me out. 

R: By what means?

M: By how she stares at me. Sometimes is lustful, sometimes it's the stares that makes me feel awkward. How she talks to me, like she's clinging to me. How she touches me--


M: A kind of flirty touch.

R: But did she touched your part?!

M: No baby! I won't let her touch me just like that. 

R: What do you do when she touches you?

M: I started to walk away from her, sometimes she catches me but I am stopping her. I eve changed the subject of our talk and sometimes she follows me everywhere. 

R: Michael, so you think she is obsessed with you?

M: I also thought about t, but I hope not. But by the way she acts when she's in front of me, it looks more than obsessed babe.

R: Did you tell Frank already?

M: Yeah, I did. And he even told me to tell you because I am having a hard time to tell you or not.

R: So, you're planning to keep this a secret from me?

M: NO! Baby, listen to me. I'm just confuse awhile ago. If I were to tell you, you might not focus on your work and I may distract you from your Miss Universe work. But if I didn't tell you, you might think that I might be cheating, which is not true and I just don't want to ruin our relationship. We just started our married life together with our kids and I just don't want to ruin it. In any other angle, I won't let our relationship be tear apart. But you now what, Frank advice me to tell you because you know what is going on around me and you can give me an advice on what to do to her. I just don't want to lose you guys, especially you Raine. I don't want to lose you baby..

R: Aww.. (She cooed and I heard her sniff on the other line.)

M: Baby, are you okay there?

R: Yeah Mike. It's just--you're so sweet and thoughtful. But thank you for telling me you're problem. But, what did Frank do to her?

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