Chapter 11

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Chapter 11:

Megan's POV

When Lily and I made it to the restaurant. We said goodbye to Lily's mom and told her that my brother will be bringing us home.

We walked into the restaurant together and the manager said.

Manager: may I help you ladies

Megan: hi, I'm Megan Jonas and I would like to have a few seat away from my brother.

Manager: I'm sorry ma'am but I can't do that. I was instructed not to allow any craze fan or paparazzi around Mr. Jonas

Megan: but he's my brother, we won't be near him, we want to have seats a few feet away from him, so he won't see me. You see I'm not supposed to be here. I just want to spy on his date

Manager: sorry ma'am that seems like a stalking fan and I'm not allowed to let you in. Plus you have to be at a certain age to come in here

Megan: fine how old

Manager: 16

Megan: great I'm 16, so let us in

Manager: can't do that ma'am goodbye

The manager pushed us away, and I "ugh" frustrated.

Lily: well plan didn't work time to go home

Manager: uh... yes take these two the private area in the back

Megan: not yet, I have an idea follow me

I crawled under the cart that was cover with blankets and made sure Lily followed.

Lily: why are we sneaking in this way?

Megan: because this is going to the private room where Kevin is

I opened the curtains and found that it was wheeling us to the private room and covered it immediately when reached Kevin and Dani's table.

Megan: get ready to get under their table

Lily: I don't like this

Megan: 1...

Lily: 2...

Megan: 3...

Lily and I got under the table just as the waiter was finish serving them their food.

I caught my breath when their legs came close to my face and backed up a bit. Thank goodness, this table was big enough for the 2 of us under here.

Megan: (whispers) Lily, you okay...

Lily: (whispers) Yeah... I'm fine. Just nervous that's all

Megan: (whispers) well don't be, just try not to get caught

Lily: (whispers) I thought we were going screw up their date night

Megan: (whispers) I just want to hear what they're talking about

Lily: well that's just ridiculous, what's the point of even being here

I shook my head at her, and we listened into the conversation.

Nick's POV

I groan after I fell from the ground trying to wiggle my way out. Somehow I manage to have one arm free after that fall and I try my best to free my other arm.

I finally got myself out of the ropes and jump in victory when I was free! I took the duck tape out of my mouth and got up and said.

Nick: I'm gonna kill her!

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