T H I R T Y - N I N E

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I stand there and my eyes start to water and I shake my head. On top of the Blake stuff we have to deal with Nico too?

"Breenan... baby calm down" Nia says.

"Don't tell me to calm down. If someone was hitting up on you, I would do something" Breenan says.

"I'm not saying don't give Nico what he deserves, I'm just saying can it wait till after? Let's secure the bag then whip some ass" Nia says and for the first time I'm agreeing with her. "We can kill two birds with one stone... after your work party, okay?" Nia says walking up to Breenan. She was wearing a black dress and had her hair up in a bun, and she looked nice, I wasn't going to lie.

"Whatever man" Breenan said picking up his jacket. "We're handling him tonight" Breenan adds as he walks to his bedroom.

"Are you okay?" Nia ask and I look over at her and she was staring at me. Does she even care?

"I'm fine" I said and she stares at me then glances at Trevor before following Breenan. I look over at Trevor and he stares at me then shakes his head and walks away. I dap the tears away from my eyes trying not to mess up my make-up then went to sit down in the living room.

Why would Desi tell him? And why wouldn't she give me a heads up that she told him? I sit there looking through my phone debating if I should even go or not. Maybe I should just head back to the dorm. I was only going to support them but they're mad at me.

"We treat Brianna like Blake tonight" Breenan says walking back into the living room and Nia follows him. Trevor emerges and leans on the wall. "We act normal, we don't let her know... that we know" he continues.

"She's ready" Trevor say putting his phone his pocket.

"Alright... let's go" Breenan says grabbing his keys and we follow him out the door. Once we get to the truck, Nia gets in on passengers side and Breenan's on the drivers. Trevor opens the back door and looks back at me. He puts out his hand and I take it as he helps me into the truck. Once we were all in, it was quiet. I look over at Trevor and he was tapping his leg and he looks at me. I stare at him when he leans over to grab my hand and holds on to it. He leans over to kiss my forehead and holds it there.

He did this so free-willingly. Like Breenan can't just check the mirror and see this.

"Although I'm pissed at you... you do look very beautiful" he whispers and I smile and look down.

"Alright... Trevor you're up" Breenan says. I look over to see we're at Blakes. Trevor let's go of my hand as he hops out the car.

"What is acting normal?" Trevor says.

"First, put on some music" Nia says playing the radio and turning it up. "And we laugh and act like we're having a good time"

"The last thing we should make this feel like... is a prom scene" Breenan says turning the music down. Trevor glances at me one more time before he closes the door. We watch him head up to Blakes. "Hey Cam, step out the car real fast" Breenan said opening his door. I look at him confused then open the door. I jump out, landing on my heels and close the door. Breenan rubs his face and looks at me.

"What?" I said. He then grabs my arm then pulls me into a hug. I was surprised because the last time we hugged like this was when I got here to Arizona. I hold onto him and he lets out a deep breath.

"I swear I'll protect you, okay?" Breenan says and I take a deep breath. "Please don't hide something like this again. I feel like the worst person because I haven't been looking after you like I promise mom and dad I would"

"Breenan, I'm fine"

"I didn't mean to yell. Just..." he says stepping back and looking at me. His eyes look like they were forming tears but he laughs them away and looks down. "Just know I got you man, don't hide shit like that. Got it?"

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