T H I R T Y - O N E

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After getting off the phone with my mom, I stay in bed because my shoulder was still in pain. I honestly didn't want to do anything. I was letting my brain soak up all the information my mom had provided me. I heard Desi come back home and I felt like this was my chance to rekindle our friendship. I slowly get out of bed and walk out my bedroom and Desi was putting away groceries.

"Hey" I said and she looks at me.

"Hey" she says and I go sit down at the dining table. I watch her put away the groceries and I take a deep breath.

"Desi can we talk?" I ask.

"Yea" she said closing the fridge and coming into the dining area. She sits down across from me and I stare at her.

"I'm sorry"

"Why are you apologizing?"

"Because I need to. When we got here... I made it all about me. I was being selfish"

"Eh..." she laughs and I smile at her.

"I wasn't being honest with you about everything. I even found myself going to Blake more because...I don't know to be honest. But she just tried to sleep with me so I think I'll cut that off" I said.

"Wait a minute bitch, what?"

"I know" I laugh. "She dead-ass try to get me" I laugh and Desi joins in.

"That's wild, Aria and I just saw her and Trevor at Bobs together and she looked cozy with him" Desi says and I stare at her.

"Yea, she told me he asked her out and honestly good"

"Good? Like you're over him?"

"Desi... I don't think I am. Honestly. But, I do want him to be happy and I need to find myself"

"The whole dating two guys didn't work-out, huh?"

"Bruh, that shit fell through" I said and we both laugh.

"So Nico is out too?"

"Yea. Oh hell yea" I said and she stares at me.

"He was hot tho"

"And a lunatic but that's a different story. I mean I obviously don't want to go back to the old me. The hurt one, or I don't want to be this bad-ass me, I just want to be me, if that made sense"

"It does" she says and I smile at her.

"How do you stay my friend?"

"Because friends don't quit on each other even when they become dumb as fuck" she said and I laugh.

"Well, what's new with you? School? Grades? Guys? Professor Warren?"

"Bitchhhhhh... let me tell you" Desi says and I couldn't help to laugh. Desi filled me in on every detail that was going on with her and her social life. She told me Aria's drama and I was intrigued. I was missing all this fun because I was so lost in my own head. Geeze never again.

After our two-hour conversation Desi and I ordered pizza and sat in the living room watching the Avenger movies. Neither of us wanted the day to end so we stay snuggled up on the couch till about 4 in the morning.

The following morning, I woke up and popped more pills and Desi walks in the kitchen.

"Are you on your period?" she ask.

"Not right now. Why?"

"You've been eating those like candy. You good?" she says pouring some orange juice.

"Yea, my back just hurts, but I'm fine" I said and she smiles.

"Let me know if you have to go to the hospital" she says and I laugh. Sundays were our get back on-track with school days. Honestly... I didn't feel lost in my classes. I've just been busy skipping and that's all.

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