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Desi can't get here fast enough to save me. I shouldn't be so surprised that Tori was that opened. I mean she's always been that type of person. But she almost seemed like she was proud of what she did. I honestly was curious to know the story behind it but they're trying to forget and move on so there is no need to bring it up. I was honestly taken aback at Trevor.

The way he yelled at Tori. Or what he said. And even his facial emotions. He almost seemed like he was... actually disgusted by her?

I grab my phone and went to lay on my bed scrolling through social media. I went to Trevor's Instagram page and if only I had looked sooner I would see he was really working on himself. I hardly saw any pictures of Tori except the one of them celebrating their Anniversary.

What the hell am I doing? I don't care about Trevor. I lay down on the bed listening to them talk in the living room. I was bored out of my mind. Later that night Breenan brought me and him some Chipotle and there was still no sign of Trevor.

The following morning, I was up early to gather my things. My mom and them were on their way and I was excited to move into my dorm today.

"Bitch... you wearing granny panties?" someone says and I turn around and Desi was standing in the doorway.

"FINALLY!" I said standing up. "You don't understand how happy I am that you're here" I say hugging her.

"Let the fun festivities begin" she says clapping her hands. "I mean... after you change your panties" she says and we laugh.

"Where are the parents?" I ask.

"Back at the dorm. Get your shit and let's go" she says. I start to gather my things and throw them into my suitcase. I was moving so fast because I was extremely excited. Then with Desi being my roommate, nothing can go wrong while we're here. Desi helps me with my other suitcase and we head out into the living room.

"We're taking Breenan's truck" Trevor says picking up his phone. This was my first time seeing him since yesterday and he was in such a better mood. Him and Tori probably made up... like they always do.

"Oh, umm... wait. Why are you coming?" I ask.

"Camari... rude" Desi says and Trevor laughs.

"Your mom asked me to help" he says grabbing my suitcases. "Your key is on the counter, lock the door" Trevor adds leaving the apartment.

"Key?" I said and Desi picks up a spare key on the counter.

"They gave you a key... to their bachelor pad? Oh hell yea" Desi says and I snatch it from her and she laughs. "Come on" she grabs my hand pulling me out the apartment and I lock the door. Once outside, Breenan was waiting in the truck as Trevor stuffs the suitcases in the back. Desi and I get in the backseat and Trevor hops in on the passenger side. Breenan was playing a Meek Mill song and him and Trevor carry on their own conversation. "So?" Desi says in my ear.

"What?" I ask looking at her. She gives me the head nod and I laugh. "I'm good"

"That's it?"

"That's it" I reassure her. She smiles and looks out the window. I wanted to tell Desi about what happened yesterday. But this entire Summer, I kept the Brianna Benson thing a secret from her and basically told her Ronnie was using me for sex. I stare at her then look ahead. Trevor was looking in his rear-view mirror at me and I hurry to look out the window.

When we get on campus, Breenan pulls in next to my parents. I smile when I see them hopping out the car. I know it's only been like three days but still.

"My college girl" my dad said as I hug him.

"How was the drive?" I ask.

"Very long" my mom says hugging me.

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