T W E N T Y - N I N E

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"Did I?" she said walking up to me. "Oh... I'm sorry Camari" she says.

"What the fuck Blake?"

"I can fix it, hold on" she says going to her bedroom. I start to put on my shoes and everything was already in my backpack. Blake returns with some make-up and stands in front of me. "Lift your chin" she says and I do so and I feel her paint my skin. I'm so confused with this right now. "There" she says handing me her phone and I look in the camera. It wasn't the exact same as my skin but it helped. I hand her the phone back and put my backpack on.

"We should go" I said grabbing my phone and walking out of the apartment. I look to see my phone was charged and I roll my eyes knowing Blake did that. I look to see both Nico and Trevor had texted me. I ignore as Blake unlocks the car and we get in. She turns the air on in the car and I stare out the window.

"I'm sorry" she said and I look at her. "I was out of line last night and I am so sorry Camari"

"You took me by surprised"

"I know and took advantage of the situation" she says and I stare at her. "But can you blame me? I really couldn't help myself"

"So you're gay?"

"Bi-sexual. Guess it's something new I'm trying. I never had many girl friends growing up. So having you around was nice and I like it. So I went for it" she says and I stare out the window as we arrive on campus. "I'm sorry" she says again.

"We're friends... okay?"

"I hear you loud and clear" she says and I stare at her. When we arrive to my dorm I open the door and hop out. I don't look back as I made my way upstairs. I was still in shock that what happened was real. I need to gather up all this.

Once in the dorm, it was quiet and I knew that Desi had already left for class. I guess I was skipping because I wasn't going to walk in an hour late. I go take a shower and when I was finished I stare at my neck. I shake my head and went to cover the hickey with make-up. Who even gives hickies anymore?

After I was changed, my phone starts to ring and I look to see it was Nico. I took a deep breath and answered it.

"Hey" I said.

"You're alive" he says and I laugh.

"Sorry... I was hanging with Blake and had a little too much to drink" I say.

"On a Monday night?" he says and I laugh.

"Yea... I know"

"Well you hungry? I'm pulling in on campus and would love to take you to get some grub"

"Yea, give me five minutes" I said.

"Make it three" he says and I laugh.

"I'll be down" I said.

"Perfect" he says and we get off the phone. I hurry to put my shoes on and went downstairs. Nico was waiting for me in the car and I get in putting my seatbelt on. "Hi" he says leaning over to kiss me and I smile at him. "What are you in the mood for?"



"Yes!" I said and he smiles and drives away from the dorm.

"So did you have fun four-wheeling with your brother and Trevor?" he says.

"Yea it was nice"

"Do they usually take you out to do things?"

"Umm... no not really"

"Good, I don't like sharing" he says and I look at him. He rest his hand on my thigh and I push my hair back. When we arrive to Pucks we walk in hand to hand and were seated at a booth. It was much time so it was already packed. I was so excited to eat which is no surprise. Nico orders a basket of wings, barbecue for me and spicy for him. We also got fries and Nico was busy telling me about one of his patients.

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