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It'll be rude for me not to say something right? Also, I don't want him to think I'm hiding from him? To be honest, I'm just curious what he looks like. He probably let himself go, and looks absolutely disgusting.

I took a deep breath and went to my door to open it. I'm over... him. So there is no need to be nervous to see him. I hear Breenan and... him laughing and I walk into the living room.

"There she is" Breenan says. My heart beat kicked up a few notches as I look at... him. This... was not the same guy from back home. This was...a whole different man. What the hell was I thinking? He got worse? How can someone possibly look better than they already did. His dark hair was groomed and pushed back in all the right places. His facial hair was there and he was letting it grow out. His eyes dance as the reflection of the lights hit them. He was wearing dark blue business pants and a white button up with a red tie. His tie was unloose and his button up shirt was four buttons down as his chest peeks out.

I felt my mouth drop open and I hurry to catch it. He... stares at me and I look back at him.

"What's up Camari?" he says. I try to say 'hi' but my voice was lost and I clear my throat.

"Hi" I said and his face goes into a smirk.

"Hi? That's all?" he says. Oh no. He doesn't want me to hug him, does he? I stare at him and I hear Breenan laugh.

"We're still not her biggest fans" Breenan says.

"I see" he... says walking over to me. He sweeps pass me and I felt his eyes were glue to me. But the scent of his cologne fills my nose and he walks away. "I'm showering!" he says towards us.

"Pizza here" Breenan says.

"Good" I said walking into the kitchen. I grab a plate and piled pizza on it. I grab a water in the fridge because it was either that or beer. "Going to eat in my room then call it a night"

"Already?" Breenan says.

"Yea, I'm exhausted" I said and he laughs.

"Alright night" he said and I walk to my bedroom. I hurry to shut the door and it was just in time. The shower cuts on across the hall. I go and sit on my bed with my food and start to pick at it. I wanted to call Desi but I knew it'll be rude to interrupt her when she's with family.

After I was finished eating, I went to turn off my light and got under the blanket. I knew I was tired but I was having a hard time falling asleep. The T.V was turned off in the living room and felt like the guys retired. I lean over to my water bottle to see it was empty. I roll out of bed and open my door and emerged in the dark hallway. I look over at the guys rooms and their doors were shut. I go to the kitchen and open the fridge grabbing another water when I hear the bathroom door shut down the hall.

I slowly walk back to my room and look over to see... his room opened. The toilet flushes and I run into my room shutting the door quietly. The light from the bathroom appears under my door and his shadow came to. He was so close to my door and I go to grab the handle. He's not going to come in, right? Why would he? I felt if there was no door we would be face to face.

The light from the bathroom then turns off and I hear him... go back to his room. I didn't realize I was holding my breath that entire time and it felt good to breathe. I return back to my bed and lay there with my eyes wide open.

A sour feeling came through my stomach and I was confused why. Why am I nervous to be around him?

The next morning, I wake up and walk over to the bathroom. I start the shower as I take my morning pee and realize today starts my officially Arizona life. When I was out, I change into some shorts and a new t-shirt then went into the living room. I wasn't sure what Breenan had planned for us today but hopefully it involves food.

I go sit on the couch and start to scroll through my phone when it was immediately snatched out of my hand.

"What the hell?" I said and I look up to see... him. He looks at my phone then sits down on the coffee table in front of me.

"Alright so your phones not broke... so you can't use that excuse on why I didn't get a text or call back" he says throwing my phone on the couch. I stare at him and shake my head.

"I don't need an excuse... I didn't want to talk to you. Did you not get the hint?" I said and he takes a deep breath.


"You know Trevor..." I say cutting him off. I stop talking when I realize it was my first time saying his name. "What happened in the past... it happened and I'm over it"

"You sure about that?"


"If you were over it... then I could had got a call back"

"Just removing toxic people from my life I guess" I say and he stares at me.

"Camari, I have apologized over and over again. I know what I did... was extremely wrong. It was terrible and I should had known better. But I would really like if we can try to go back to what we were before all of this. I still care about you" he says and this knot formed in my stomach. I couldn't say anything, I just stare at him.

"Alright kiddos" I hear Breenan say and he walks into the living room. He was dressed up and I look at him confused.

"Where are you going?"

"The beauty about being on call... you get called in" he laughs going to the fridge pulling out a beer. I stand and stare at him.

"You're going into work?" I ask and Breenan looks at me. "I thought you would take me around campus or something"

"Cam... I can't drop work to give you the ultimate freshmen experience" Breenan laughs and Trevor joins him. "Besides... I got you the next best man" he said and I roll my eyes. I look over at Trevor and he continues to sit on the table then his eyes shoot up to look at me.

"I got you" he said.

"Great..." I said picking up my phone and walking back to my room. I rummage through my bag on which outfit I was going to wear today. I didn't want to go my normal self, with my slides because that's what Trevor liked. But I didn't want to go over and beyond because... he'll think I'm asking for it and I'm most definitely NOT asking for it. I settled on a N-Sync t-shirt and leggings. I look at my converse, my slides, then my Puma's. Each of them had a story but I settled on my converse. I went to put up my hair and by the time I came out to the living room, Trevor was sitting on the counter scrolling through his phone.

"Ready kid?" he says looking at me and I send him a fake smile. He hops off the counter, grabbing his keys and we leave the apartment. We walk to Trevor's car and it was just how I remember. I get in on the passenger side buckling my seatbelt.

While we were in the car, I continue to look through my social media to keep myself occupied. Trevor's music plays over the speaker and that only made me think of the CD he made me before he left.

"What dorms are you guys staying in?" Trevor ask and I look over at him.

"The Honors Village" I said and he smiles and looks back at the road. "What?"

"Nothing, it's just a really nice dorm for your first year"

"Yea we got accepted early on" I said. The conversation was so dry, it was so awkward. I should had never came and just waited until Breenan was free. When we arrive on campus, students and staff were walking around. I smile as I get out because the campus was as beautiful as the brochure.

"Alright" Trevor says clapping his hands. He starts to walk on the sidewalk and I kept my distance as he points to different buildings. He was reading me names but I still knew I would get lost. I knew he knew what he was talking about but I couldn't help to just stare at him. His build, his walk, his arms. Everything was ten times better and that was more annoying. It's only been four months. "We're allowed to walk next to each other you know?" Trevor says and I look at him as he had came to stop.


"If you really don't want to be here with me, I can take you back to the apartment. I was just trying to be nice"


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