Chapter Three

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Chapter Three (Luka)

We arrived in Alabama after a long car ride.

My body ached from sitting still for so long, but I didn't complain as I drove through the bustling city of Rosemary with signs pointing that Moonstone, Alabama was just a few miles away. I almost sighed aloud in relief. I glanced back at Gavin, who had fallen asleep with his head in Kasper's lap. Kasper rested his hand on Gavin's head as he gazed out the window, a look of nostaglia crossing his face.

"You seem to be very fond of this pack." I said aloud, making Kasper look up before smiling lightly.

"Yes. They're nice people. I'm glad you guys finally get to meet them, especially Cal. He's so nice... And Raven. Zaid. Scythe. They were all very kind to me when I stayed here in Alabama with my previous masters." He explained gently, gazing out the window again as we passed over a bridge. Kasper looked away as if uncomfortable by the sight of the black river that passed underneath of us before we drove back onto the road.

"I've not come across a werewolf in a long time." I admitted with a shrug. Kasper looked surprised.


"Indeed. Werewolves began to die out shortly after I began to work for Gavin. Rumor said there was a wolf that had made a pact with the Goddess, who provided him with the ability to procreate amongst his all male pack. Pretty funny thought, a pregnant male. I wouldn't be able to resist poking him." I added with a smirk. Kasper blushed lightly, tilting his head.

"Zaid. His pack is also connected to that wolf. The rumors are true." He answered. I glanced at him, smiling warmly.

"I bet they are. I've seen enough in this world to know what's real and what's myth. I find it interesting and rather amusing, but I wouldn't tell your wolf friends that. Werewolves are keen on protecting each other, so if you piss one one wolf off, their whole pack is ready to jump at your throat." I explained with a careless shrug.

"You speak from experience." Kasper noted as a large sign came into view on the road, reading in bold, trembling letters Moonstone, Alabama. Population: 245. I raised an eyebrow with a smirk before glancing back at Kasper for a split second before glancing back at the road.

"I suppose so... It's rather chilly here," I mused, glancing at the temperature, "Strange for Alabama weather, but I suppose the humans are right about one thing. They sure know how to fuck up the way of the Goddess." Kasper blushed lightly and gave a slight nod before scanning the shops.

Moonstone was a small town.

Several cute little shops and a Wagner's settled at the end of town. Across the street from that was a comfortable looking grille and bar called The Mockingbird. I made a mental note to visit this place for a good shot of whiskey. The rest of the way revealed more little shops and the occasional house as well as a fancy looking hotel. We passed over a stream and drove down the road, before Kasper jumped a little, grabbing onto the back of my seat and making Gavin wake up with a startled gasp.

"Here!" He exclaimed. I slowed down, approaching a dirt path that disappeared into the thick, Alabama woods. The leaves had become reddish and brown, yellows and oranges, some trees even shivering nakedly amongst the rest as a gentle breeze blew through. I drove down the winding driveway until a large plantation house came into view.

I whistled in awe at the large structure. It had been redone, of course, but it still looked magnificant. It was painted pure, snow white with three large columns descending from the balcony above to the porch down below where a white swing gently quivered in the wind. Across from the plantation house was a large red barn that had also been repainted. Peering inside, I spotted several vehicles, most of them motorcycles and dirt bikes.

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