Future Lady of Suna Part 2

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Author's Note

Update:  The next book, Bearable Weight of Ink is in the works!  Hope you enjoy the next part of the series :D

Here it is, the final chapter of Leaves. There is always an odd feeling accompanying the final words written in a project. I've been in edit mode the past few days, but I think I just need to let it go and focus on Inheritants and Ink. Thank you, everyone, for sticking with me so far, and I hope you continue to enjoy my little story. The first chapter of Ink should be out within the week, whether I have artwork done for it yet or not. I am also playing with the idea of adding Gaara's POV of this to my list of short stories I want to write as an accompaniment to this, let me know if you want to see that :D

As always, comments/reviews serve to inspire <3


The rest of yesterday's date was a complete blur. Gaara wanted more children. He knew how they were made, it meant he intended to... With me, he wanted to... I swallowed. When had Gaara taken Kimi back? "Did I just agree to be a mother again?" I felt numb. I still felt like a guy, even though I knew I wasn't. Very much wasn't. Every time Kimi latched herself onto my chest was a giant damn reminder I was a chick now. I took in a shaky breath. Why couldn't I calm down my nerves? They felt as though they would jump out of my skin and make a break for it any second. Every single vein in my body. I couldn't take this anymore. I tried to swallow the lump in my throat down, but it didn't do any good.

Deep breaths, Naruto. "Kisarei." Get over yourself, will you? I shook out my hands, then buried my face in them. How long was this engagement thing supposed to last, anyway? All these dates felt crazy awkward. He mostly just stared at me with hardly a word then... Would you have an interest in more children? What the hell?

What the hell, what the hell, what the hell? I let out a guttural yell. I dropped my hands, then placed them on my abdomen. Intentionally get pregnant. Could I do it? Did normal pregnancy hurt? I had no idea, what I went through with Kimi was anything but normal. I pressed my hands into my body. Was it even possible? Could I have another one? How would they even tell?

A quick memory of when Hakuto gave me an exam flashed in my mind and I felt sick. I hadn't had the nerve to check down there. I hadn't had the nerve to do it yet. I felt determined to let my past go, but I couldn't let go. It was off, wrong. There was still a voice in the back of my mind screaming at me I was a man. I'm into women. Their soft curves, the way they smiled, how they felt as they enveloped my body.

I clenched my teeth. I had to. I had to let it go. I mean, I knew it was gone, I could tell but... Before I could change my mind I forced my hands down, moving the fabric out of my way.

Nothing. My skin was smooth. Then.

My entire body jerked, my fingers moved to a spot it shouldn't be possible to have them and I brought them back up. I shifted, pressed my legs as tight together as they could go and hugged my knees. Shit. Weird. That freaking felt weird. I'm not a girl. I'm not...

I'm a damn chick. Of the gods, I'm not a guy. It felt wrong to me. I felt sick. I could feel the acid rise in my throat. With a deep groan, I used what little energy I had left in me to move far enough over so I didn't throw up in bed. My entire body shivered and I attempted to swallow down the disgusting taste left inside my mouth.

The door opened and I didn't bother to look up. "Lady Kisarei!" Chuyo. I could hear her footsteps quicken. "What is it?"

"I'm a girl." The words sounded ragged coming from my own throat.

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