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Author's Note

I fully intentioned to have the naming ceremony in this chapter, but I just needed to end it where it was. It was too important of a thing to have it disappear in a happier event. Next chapter though!

Although, I have a feeling most of my readers are currently dealing with summer, end of school or beginning of school things since my comments and such have dropped off. At least, this is what I am telling myself instead of falling into what I like to call 'Writers Anxiety' where we suddenly decide everything we write is garbage lol. (It's true, I'm not the only one who goes through this, it is part of the writing process hehehe)

Anyway, I hope you like the chapter, and as always, reviews/comments serve to inspire. :D


After sitting in silence with Kimiko for nearly an hour she followed me home. We never said another word to each other. She was going to die on me. Sometime in the next three years. I wanted to ask exactly when, ask her what she looked for when she grabbed me earlier. The words wouldn't come. She gave more than she should have. She gave Naruto her life. She gave me a life with Naruto. My wife, I would be able to spend time with her, precious time.

People didn't do these sorts of things. Not for me. Never for me. I wasn't sure I knew what to say, how to react, how to be thankful. It still was an uncomfortable thought Lady Chiyo and Naruto had done the same for me. Naruto. I had no idea how much life she gave away. My eyes followed her as she entered my room, grabbed the clone and pressed her lips to his. I tensed as I felt my anger return in full force. Heat rose in my chest as he pulled her down to him. Clone, not Naruto. Do not kill Kimiko early. I looked away and cleared my throat. Out. I did not want to witness this. I heard a hitch in breath. Out. I need to... I took a deep breath. "Out." There, the word came out of my mouth. I bit the inside of my cheek to keep myself from ending one of them as my internal voice screamed 'mine' from the recesses of my mind.

I didn't bother to look as I heard movement, then the closing of a door. I crossed the room to my son who was holding onto my daughter. I looked at them a moment, taking in the soft smile he had as he held up a small, flower rattle. He didn't look up, he didn't even seem to notice I had returned, or the fact Kimiko had come and retrieved the odd lech who had been camping out in my room in a depression for the past two days. He gave a small shake to the rattle, letting the soft melodic sound fill the air. A deep warmth burst through my chest as I watched them. My son holding onto my small daughter. My children. Plural. More than one. Shinki, and... Her. I looked to Naruto with a frown. Had she picked any names out yet? Tomorrow. If she didn't make a miraculous recovery in less than a day, I would be forced into naming her without any input.

Input which mattered anyway. I sighed and knelt down next to Shinki. I brushed my thumb across her forehead. "Father, do you think she inherited your kekkei genkai? Her eyes are like yours, and with the dark rings..." He trailed off and he looked over to me, his face carefully trained of expression.

Her eyes were open, and I looked into their clear brightness. Turquoise? They were closer to the sky blue of my wife's eyes, than my sea foam green. "I cannot say. It may be possible." The thought made me sick. I couldn't stop myself from using back when I was a child. Back then, everyone thought my abilities came directly from Shukaku, but my ability only became more clear and stable after I lost him. I shuddered at the memory of my first kills. Accident. I hadn't meant to do them, they just happened because I got upset. Because they feared me. Because they hated me. I injured a girl because I wanted to play.

"Is it wrong of me to say I hope she doesn't?" Shinki's voice was soft, pained. A shadow passed through his features and I felt a pang of regret rush through me.

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