11 Ways to Woo a Lady Days 6-9

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Author's Note

Sorry it took so long to get this chapter out. Just to get you something to read so you guys don't have to wait another day for the chapter, I decided to split it up. Turns out, I don't write as much when I have to work a full 40 hr week of all morning shifts, so it's probably a good thing I work part time normally lol.

Hope you guys enjoy the chapter, there will be another one tomorrow (Or later today since for me it is already after midnight)

As always, reviews/comments serve to inspire.


I woke up with a slight sense of dread. I had no idea what Gaara was up to today, but if he tried rubbing any more strange chemicals on my body while I was pregnant, I was going to throttle him. Alright, maybe a little harsh, it was suntan lotion not exactly strange, but what the hell? I'm confined to a bed, inside a room. A very gray room. I sighed. Well, it was at least different from the stark white it had been, but couldn't he have picked a more interesting color? He wasn't here yet, and since he wasn't I had the feeling he would be bringing something to carry out the day's weirdness. After today, four more days of weird and then I would tell him.

I rubbed the skin over my daughter with a sigh. "Hey, just to warn you little one, your Dad's a bit weird." I giggled when she moved enough for me to feel it with my hand. "Yeah, you already know, don't you?" I rubbed her, enjoying the feel of her movement. It was so weird, sometimes painful now, but always amazing.

What was my strange husband going to do today? I smirked. Husband. Gaara, my husband. So weird, yet just thinking it made my chest tingle with warmth and my stomach gained butterflies. I'm so freaking weird. I rubbed her again. "Your mom, she is weird too." I laughed at it and relaxed on my pillows. I could handle whatever he did, as long as he didn't keep me from having cupcakes again. The bastard thought he could actually get away with it. I looked over to the door. At any moment, the red haired porcelain skinned beauty would be walking through it with some weird prop and some cheesy pick up line. What was he up to anyway? I kept reminding myself he was at least trying. This within itself was what I wanted. Time, and I was getting time with him. It was just... Getting weird.

The door finally opened, and there he was, in his complete and porcelain, straight faced beauty. Damn, but a man shouldn't look so freaking pretty. He was holding a cup of milk and pulled a chair up to him with sand. The stuff was like a third limb, he used it so much. I hadn't realized how much he used it on day to day things until I was here, with him in my room like this. Half the time, he didn't even have to look for what he was grabbing for, he just knew somehow. It was cool. Creepy, yeah, but pretty damn cool. After I got over my initial 'he's going to kill me with the stuff' phobia, I was able to really appreciate the unique way he used it. How he fought with it, how he...

"Milk." A statement, soft and monotonous. He held the cup up to me, his face completely unreadable.

I sighed. Milk. Whatever weird thing he had planned for today, had to do with milk. How wonderful. I took the glass from him, and in spite of whatever he had planned for it, I really, really just wanted to drink it. Before he could stop me, I downed it, savoring the way the cold slid down my throat and settled deep inside, coating me. I gave a satisfied 'Ah' and handed him back the glass. "Thanks." Maybe it wasn't part of the day's whatever it was. I smiled at him warily. If this wasn't his thing, it meant it would be coming later. I didn't exactly want to think about what weirdness he would spring on me all day.

He moved the glass over to the small table on the other side of the room, left only as a gathering spot of random things Gaara brought into to the room since he formed a table over me every time I needed to eat, or play cards, or other things. He averted his eyes from me and took a deep breath. "You must drink a lot of milk."

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