Meeting the Baby

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Author's Note

You might notice a small change from this chapter onward ;) I already have the next chapter complete so I will take my time and edit it this time, and I am about halfway done with the chapter after that. This book still has a ways to go before the next part hits, so I still have a lot of work ahead of me. Going to try and get a few more chapters done before I start working on part 2 of Inheritants. I still want to have all three parts of 'Mark of the One' done before the end of the year. A hefty goal considering I haven't finished the second part yet, but hey, I am ambitious and I finally am getting my writing mojo back hehe.

As always, reviews/comments serve to inspire. <3


I felt both heavy and light at the same time. I hadn't bothered moving. I wasn't sure when I had fallen asleep after removing my bandages, but the sun filtered through the windows of the room, so I must have slept the night through. I took a deep breath. I hadn't finished reading through the file yet, and there were a few more pages to look through after my certificate of citizenship. I wasn't sure what else there would be, but now seemed as good a time as anything to look through it. While I had time and had to wait. Wait for something to happen. Wait for Gaara. Wait for my precious daughter. My heart thudded in my chest. I was going to meet her.

What will she look like? She was what, two, three months old now? Did she have hair? What color are her eyes? I smiled. My baby, I was going to hold her. In my arms. I could have her. Any doubt of me loving her vanished with the thought. How could I have thought it? Was all of this worth it? I don't know, but she deserved life. I would never have been able to take that away from her, no matter how good or terrible my own life was.

With a soft sigh I sat up and when I did, something clattered on the floor near the window. My stomach twisted and I turned to see what it was just to find yet another girl I didn't recognize in my room. She stared at me, her eyes wide. "Who in the hell are you?" I was getting sick of surprises.

"You are awake." Her voice hitched, surprised.

Well, that was unexpected. "Yeah, kinda obvious, don't cha think?" I scratched at my head. "You still didn't say who you are."

"Oh." She gave me a half smile. "My name is Yumi."

"Well then Yumi, mind telling me why you're in my room?" I frowned at her. The first girl was let up by Temari, but this girl looked as though she had been caught doing something she shouldn't. She scanned the room and I followed the trail her eyes made and noticed a few drawers were open.


"You could tell me the truth ya know. Also, I wouldn't go through those drawers, they belong to Gaara."

Her eyes focused on me. "That's why I am going through them. I need to find something"

I sighed. "Unless your looking for spares of his outfit or something way more freaking creepy, I wouldn't go through them. Pretty damn pointless." If she replied I didn't notice because I shifted to get to the pillows on the side of the bed. I moved the pillows behind me so I could sit back and one fell to the floor. I groaned. I stared at it a moment, then looked over to the girl. I sighed. "Oh fuck it. You, could you grab that stupid thing? I don't feel like explaining to whoever comes in the room next why I am on the floor."

"I..." She trailed off, then nodded. "Ok." She came closer to the bed then handed me the pillow. "How long you been awake anyway? Shinki never mentioned it."

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