Chapter 28- Date Disasters

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I worriedly glanced at my clock again, but it still said 6:30.

Dammit I was running out of time!

I turned back to my closet, ripping through the clothes to find something to wear on my first date with Conner.

I mean sure, we went out all the time together. But never as a 'couple'. And I was determined to blow his socks off and look amazing.

Well, if I could find something to wear that is.

I pulled out shirt after shirt, and dress after dress, until I was staring blankly at the wall of my now completely empty closet.

I groaned, pulling at my hair in frustration. If this kept up, I would end up having to go on my date butt naked.

"Hey Sele- WOAH."

I turned to see Sam walk into my room, stopping short to gape at the humongous pile of clothing that had accumulated on my floor. That was going to be hell cleaning up.

"What happened in here? Hurricane Selena struck again?" He asked, starting to carefully make his way around the mountain of clothes towards me. "I'm pretty sure this pile is so huge you could see it from space."

"I don't have time for the usual sibling banter Sam! I need something to wear!" I groaned, starting to look over the pile of clothes again.

"Ahhhh!" Sandy screamed as he ran in at full speed, not slowing down as he hurdled into my clothes pile and was buried in clothes.

"Sandy you come back here! I know you- WOAH." Stanton stopped short in the doorway, his mouth dropping open.

"Hey that's what I said!" Sam chuckled.

"I didn't know this much clothes even existed!" Stanton said, looking up at it as he approached us.

I slapped a hand to my head. Trust my brothers to make me even later than I already was. "Guys! Get out! I need to find something to wear!"

"Fine, I just need to find Sandy. And I have a pretty good idea where he's hiding." Stanton said, eyeing up the clothes pile in search of our younger brother.

"Here." I turned to look as Sam crouched down to pick something from the pile. "Wear this." He handed me a ruffled, dark blue dress that cut off mid-thigh. My jaw dropped. 

"It's perfect!" I snatched it from him, clutching it tightly to my chest.

"You're welcome." Sam chuckled, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Where are you even going?" Stanton asked, not looking up at me as he continued to prod through the clothes mountain with a tennis racket.

I gulped, but luckily I had already come up with a cover story as to my whereabouts. "It's a Friday night. I'm just going to a party."

"Oooooh a party." Sam wiggled his eyebrows at me. "Maybe we should tag along."

"No!" His eyebrows raised, and I realized that I had answered way too quickly. "I mean, it's an invite only party. I'm going with Conner."

Sam rolled his eyes, pushing his brown hair off his face. "Whatever. We were going to go and sneak into that new club downtown anyways."

"Sam, you're not 21."

"Emphasis on 'sneak into'."He replied easily, sending me his award winning smile that had flocks of girls swooning over him.

Of course.

"I hope you realize that your plan is so not going to work." I said, crossing my arms over my chest.

"You'll see." He said, a glint in his blue eyes.

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