Chapter 48- End of the Line

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"Are you sure she's going to be alright?"

The voices were swimming in my head as I drifted through darkness. Everything around me was empty space and nothingness, like I was trapped in outer space or possible a mental asylum. But as the tranquil silence surrounding me was broken by the sound of the voices echoing in my head, I felt the bleary darkness begin to slip away.

"I hope so." A different voice replied, this one much deeper and richer in a way that made me shiver involuntarily.


Even in my state of unconsciousness I could recognize him.

"Well then, why isn't she waking up?" Another voice, much lighter and distinctly feminine responded. 

"I'm sure she'll wake up when she's good and ready." Another female voice said soothingly. 

A warm sensation started to send pleasant tingles up my arm, and I suspected that someone must have grabbed my hand. As my brain continued to wake up at an agonizingly slow pace, I began to become more aware of my surroundings.

I was right, someone was definitely holding my hand. Quite tightly, in fact. The room fell silent again, and I could almost feel the multiple stares trained on my face. I struggled to find a way to wake up and erase the concern I could feel in the air and hear in the tone of their voices.

I heard the sound of nearby footsteps and the door opening interrupt the quietness, followed by a loud sigh. "Mr. Rogers, how many times have we told you to stay in your room? You really shouldn't be out of bed so soon, or you could risk injuring yourself further."

"The doctor's right, Conner. You should go back to your room. We'll come tell you as soon as she wakes up." A firm voice reasoned.


The tone of his voice was the coldest I had ever heard leave his mouth in all the years I have known him. His simple refusal, while brusque, was hard and unrelenting in a way that said everything. Even behind my closed eyelids I could picture the hard-edged expression on his face, and the expressionless blank stare in his eyes.

"Conner." The Doctor said warningly. 

"No." He said in the same blunt manner.

"Conner! I know you're concerned about Selena, but you need to think about your own health too!" A familiar female voice exclaimed. "Can't you just try and see reason here?"

"I said no."  A sharp edge appeared briefly in his voice, breaking out of his mirage of level-headedness and overshadowing the calmness of his previous words.

My worries for him only doubled. If I knew anything about my ridiculous, spontaneous boyfriend, it's that he's only ever harsh when he's near his breaking point. Conner was never one to seriously lose his temper, usually I was the one who needed to be calmed down. However, once in a rare while, I had recognized the signs and had been able to calm him before he exploded. But right now, despite my best efforts, I was completely useless.

Th doctor sighed again. "I really didn't want to have to do this, but......" He paused, before exhaling and continuing. "For the safety of our patients it seems I have no choice. Security!" He opened the door and called out.

For a minute, all I could hear was the sound of scuffling and angry yelling. Finally though, everyone else grew silent and I could make out Conner's voice again.

"No! Let me go! Selena! I need to see-"

With all the strength and desperation I could muster, I managed to crack open an eye in time to see him being forced out of the room by what I presumed to be two security guards. He was facing towards me, his face livid and his mouth open as he yelled. But past his angry facade, I could see the sorrow swimming in his irises, the kind of sadness and grief that was shattering to witness.

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