[8] Chapter Eight

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 Seth POV

Mirabelle looked up at me; a distraught look filled her stone-faced features. “This is not happening,” her eyes rolled into the back of her head and she fell into my lap. ‘I knew this was a bad idea’ I thought, quickly picking her up, remembering when this happened the first time.

“Sam!” I screamed, “Emily!” Because he was sitting nearest to the door, Sam was out first, almost dropping to the ground when he saw Mirabelle limp in my arms. He quickly made his way to me. He looked like he was going to be sick.

“What happened?” he asked, checking her for a pulse. I could tell he found it because his entire body fell with relief.

“She… she figured it out.” My heart dropped, wondering what was going to happen now.

Sam motioned for me to walk and talk at the same time. Once I was inside, Emily helped me get her on the couch, asking the same questions Sam had asked only seconds before. I gave her the same answers when Sam asked, his face full of worry.

“When you say ‘it’, do you mean…” He didn’t need to finish. I knew what he was asking. I couldn’t get the words to form, so my head bobbed up and down. He let out a small breath, putting a hand to his forehead. “Oh hell….”

I was sent to get her blankets from her bed down in the basement. After I tucked her in on the couch, only then did I notice that something was off. It had been a few weeks since the initial ‘attack’ happened, but there were faint scars still there on her neck. Tiny, pink scrapes that looked like part of a permanent necklace.    

Emily told me I could stay overnight, so I made my bed on the floor next to the couch. Mirabelle was making weird noises that kind of freaked me out, so I asked Emily if she was sure if Mirabelle would be fine.

“Don’t worry; it’s just a bad dream. At least she’s not screaming like she used to.”

We said our good nights and I fell into a dreamless sleep with a worry frown on my face.


Mirabelle POV

It was just a dream, I told myself. A scary, unbelievable dream. I knew it was early in the morning because I could hear Sam waling about, but it didn’t seem like he was making a Sunday breakfast. Wait, Sunday?! I bolted upright, throwing off the covers. As I was just about to jump off the couch, I saw someone lying next to…the couch? Wait, why am I on the couch?

The person moved and sat up, turning over to look at me. I gasped, “Seth! Why are you…”

He got up, smiling wearily. “Thank God you’re alright. After the way you blacked out yesterday, I thought you’d hurt yourself.” My body froze, taking in what he just said.

It wasn’t a dream.

I scrambled up off the couch, running over into the corner of the living room. “Stay away from me!!” I screamed, falling to the ground to guard myself. Seth got up, slowly coming near me. “No! Go away!”

Sam came running in from the kitchen. He saw me in the corner and came over, kneeling down next to me, wrapping an arm around me. “Mirabelle, you need to understand. We won’t hurt you,”

I froze once more, looking him in the eyes. “You…..You’re…” Sam’s eyes widened, realizing what he said. My head felt like it was going to implode on me.

Sitting down on the couch, my hands came up to cradle my head. This was all too much. Sam sat down on one side of me while Seth’s face flipped through worry to sadness to anger. He pounded on the door before smashing through the door and running out to the woods.

Sam turned my head so I was looking him in the eyes. “Mirabelle, we’re here to protect you, I swear that to you.” Tears fell onto my hands. He was telling the truth, but it was hard for me to comprehend.

“Don’t worry Mirabelle,” Emily whispered in my ear. She had come out from bed and wrapped her arms around me, comforting me. “Honey, they love you, there’s no way they could see you hurt, let alone hurt you.”

The stream became a waterfall and I pulled Emily down onto the couch and just cried on her lap, crying away the hurtful words I had said, crying for Seth to come back. Crying for my mother and father.

 I must have fallen asleep because before I knew it, it was 3:40pm. Emily had sat there with me for hours on end. I hugged her before going out and sitting on the porch swing. Sam had gone out to find Seth. He came back with no luck. We went in to eat supper later on, but I wasn’t hungry. I sat there, waiting, knowing he’d come here sooner or later.

Around midnight, Emily asked me if I was coming to sleep. I’d said no, still watching the woods, waiting. She didn’t say anything about it, just brining out a blanket and setting it on the small end table next to me. When their bedroom light was out, I wrapped myself with the blanket and waited.

Waiting all night long, I never went to sleep, not even for a minute. I sat there wishing and praying that he’d come back. The sun was rising on the horizon and I shut my eyes, but not sleeping.

Seth had emerged from the trees. He brushed off any dirt that was left on himself from running through the forest. He was halfway up the porch steps when he finally noticed me. I heard him intake a quick breath, running inside and slamming the door behind him. I opened my eyes, listening to him ask Sam how long I’d been out there. He said all night and Seth all but sobbed. They continued to talk, but I couldn’t hear any of it, so I closed my eyes and let the sleep envelope me.

What felt like an eternity later, I heard the door open once again and someone sitting down next to me. It was Seth. He pulled my down so I was resting on his lap. I smiled, whispering, “I love you, Seth.” He jumped, looking down at me. He smiled, placing a hand on my head.

“I love you too.”

I fell asleep after that, and so did he. It was so peaceful. Emily walked out to get the mail and she smiled when she saw us. Sam took the liberty to call the school and tell them we were sick today. He informed Ms. Clearwater so she wouldn’t worry.

Once school had ended, I walked into town to go shopping. Emily had stocked me up with a huge grocery list and the check book, telling me I could get a little something for myself if I wanted.

Port Angeles was one heck of a busy place when school wasn’t in session. Many kids from school were there, but they never paid any attention to me, which was perfectly fine with me. I walked into the nearest Super Saver just as Alice was walking out. She saw me and smiled, running up to give me a hug, but stopped a foot away from me, wrinkling her nose.

“You smell like dog,” she said, crossing her arms. I pulled up my sweatshirt, smelling it, not picking up any odor, but my perfume.

“What the heck are you talking about?”

“You smell like you slept with a wet dog.”

My eyes widened, and I started saying something, but was drowned out as a bus passed. I yelped and jumped behind Alice, fearing for my life once again.

She pushed me away hastily. “Stay away, you smell disgusting!”

“But Alice, I don’t-”

“Yes! You do, you do smell, and it’s killing me!”

I stopped her as she ranted on. “Alice, I don’t smell, just because I slept with Seth last night doesn’t mean-”

“You what!! You slept with a werewolf!”

I was about to yell back when I registered what she said. “Alice, how did you know Seth…”

Her eyes widened, “Oppsies.”

She started walking away, but I grabbed her wrist, feeling a chill run up my arm. Her hands were freezing cold. I looked up at her, my heart stopping and my mind clicking. “Alice you’re a vampire?” it only came out as a whisper, but she heard me loud and clear.

“How did you…” I yanked my arm away, taking a few steps back. She tried to stop me, but I started running, away from her, away from Port Angeles. The last place I really wanted to go now… was home. My boyfriend is a werewolf, I thought, and my best friend is a vampire. My God, what the hell is wrong with my life?

Life Is Strange: A Twilight Werewolf FanFiction (on hold)Where stories live. Discover now