[11] Chapter Eleven Pt. 1

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 Part One

Today is the second day now since Tara had become a part of our household. Yes, Tara started living at our house when she realized she was more comfortable with werewolves. She’d taken up a small area beside my bed in the basement. It was like she was actually my sister, which was nice. Here’s how that day went down.


Saturday morning I was up and about cleaning the house like Emily told me to. Vacuum the living room, clean my room, and wash the floors in the kitchen and the bathroom. Yeah, I felt right at home. The radio was blasting ‘Stand Up’ on KCMS 105.3 FM as I was dusting the tables and decorative shelves. Emily walked through occasionally, making sure I was doing everything okay. “Don’t forget the top of the TV,”

“I know, I know, that’s the third time you’ve told me Emily,” I answered, laughing and rolling my eyes. Picking up my rag and Pledge, I to moved on to the end tables. She nodded, muttering ‘Right, right,” to herself before going to fold the laundry. Not too long later, she and Sam came out, telling me they had some business to take care of in town and they'd be back later. I waved good-bye and, as they left, blasted the music.

A few minutes later, the door bell rang. I was dusting off the ceramic pieces on the corner shelves. “Just a minute!” I called out, dumping all the pieces onto the couch and running to open the door. A smile formed on my lips when I saw who was standing there.

“Tara! You’re here!” I glanced at my watch. “Why are you here so early?”

“I... came back to live with you. If that’s okay with everyone…” She peered past me into the living room, glancing around, looking for something. "Are Emily and Sam here?"

“No, but I’m sure they won’t mind. I mean, look at me! They didn’t have a problem letting my stay here.” Tara looked a bit confused. It dawned on me that Tara didn't know the reason I was here. My hand latched on to her arm and I sat her down on the couch, placing the ceramics onto the shelves before sitting next to her. I launched into the story of my life up to this point, minus all the 'when I was a child' things.

Tara was staring at me blankly. "Sam and Emily aren't your parents?"

“Nope, they're not even married.”


“Yeah, Emily is Sam’s fiancée though.”

 “Oh, okay,” We continued our little small talk as I grabbed us some snacks and two sodas. We chatted until they came back home.

“Why, hello there! You must be one of Mirabelle’s friends. I’m Emily,”

“Oh, Emily, this is Tara. You know, the girl I was telling you about on Thursday?” I said, smiling. “Yeah, she’s also my friend. A really good one at that.”

“Well, how lovely!”

“Um, Emily,” Tara started, “I was wondering if I could, well, stay here with you guys.”

“That won’t be a problem at all dear. You’re welcome here anytime.” Emily said, sitting down on my right side. “How old are you?”

“I’m 17. I’ll be turning 18 next Wednesday.”

“Oh! We’ll have to throw you a birthday party then.”

“Oh, no! You don’t have to do that!”

“Oh, yes we do! 18 is a special year. You need to celebrate its start.”

Emily went back to her house work while Tara and I went on talking. “Tara, do you… like anyone?”

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