[18] Chapter Eighteen

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::Seth POV::

Today was the day Seth was planning on asking Sam about where they took Mirabelle. Before he was about to head over, the house phone rang. Seth skidded through the kitchen to answer, beating his mother to it only by a second. 

"Hello?" He answered, resting it on his shoulder as he went to search the fridge for a snack. 

"Hey Seth, it's Emily. I was wondering if you were doing anything this morning," She asked in a cheerful tone.

His eyes spotted the last apple stuck behind the milk. "Nope, not doing anything. I was actually about to head over to your place. I need to ask Sam a few questions," Seth was going to ask Emily, but thought better of it and decided he'd wait.

"Oh! He's going to be gone untilafter lunch, but if you're on your way over, would you mind coming over and helping me clean up the house?"

"Huh?" His hand stopped mid-grab for the apple. "You want me to what?"

"I was hoping you could help-"

"No, no, I heard you. I was just... Would you like me to come over right away?" Seth deflected his little slip-up. He didn't really want to clean, but he figured she needed someone to be with.

"If you could, that would be awesome!" He could hear the smile in her voice. "I'll see you in a little bit then!"

The two said their good-byes, but Seth didn't hang up the phone right away. He stood in front of the open fridge door, holding what ended up being a half-moldy apple, in a daze. The last time he was over was when he said good-bye to Mirabelle. Seth wasn't sure if he was ready to face her house quite yet. But, he didn't have much of a choice seeing as how he'd already agreed to help Emily clean. 

With a sigh, he shut the door and threw the apple into the garbage. He set the phone back on the hook before pulling on his shoes. The walk wasn't long, but Seth ran the whole way there to keep his mind off of his love. 

Emily greeted him from the porch as he ran down the length of the drive-way. "Seth sweetheart, thank you so much for doing this. It's such a big house for one person to clean. Usually Mirabelle helps out..." She trailed off, shaking her head. "Anyway, come on in, and make sure you leave those muddy sneakers out here. That's one less thing we'll need to clean." Emily motioned for him to come inside and set his bag on the chair next to the door.

The house had a weird feel to it. Seth could tell that Emily had re-decorated a bit; Where a blue rug once was was now a beige round carpet. Among the minor changes, he could also tell she changed around the pictures. Where pictures of Sam, Emily and Mirabelle once stood were now missing Mirabelle. The thought made Seth fall into a small hole of depression, his mood a bit dampened. 

"You can start with the bathrooms. There are gloves, a bucket and some Mr. Clean on the dinning room table for you to use. You can start where ever you'd like. Come find me when you finish that up. I'll have a few other jobs for you to do as well." She slipped on a pair of dirt-ridden gloves and went out to the back of the house, to pull weeds Seth assumed.

He filled up the pail with hot water, pouring in a pinch of soap. The faucet ran until it was two-thirds of the way full when Seth switched it off, pulling on the yellow gloves before taking the bucket and going to the bathroom upstairs. There were clothes strewn all around, hanging off the shower bar, sitting atop the toilet and hiding under the cupboard.  Everywhere but the clothes hamper. Wonderful,

Seth placed the ice cream pail on the cupboard and picked up the clothes, throwing them into the dirty clothes hamper before setting it out in the hall. Next he took out the shower rug and towels and put them out next to the hamper. Seth put the bucket on the floor and knelt down to wash the floor.

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