~Chapter 27~

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*Y/n's P.O.V.*

"Wait, you like me?"

I turn around to see Travis standing there. I glanced over at Katelyn, who's face was bright red. 

"U-Um..." Katelyn stuttered, a little embarrassed. She slowly nodded. Travis chuckled.

"I knew you'd fall for me one day." Travis teased. Katelyn rolled her eyes.

"I should get going." I say. The two of them look at me.

"Alright. Be safe!" Katelyn told me. I walk off.

"You're not my mother, Katelyn!" I called as I went off.


I looked around. I wanted to see Aaron, but he was nowhere. I continued walking, passing a few people as I went. I saw someone with black hair standing on the beach. I glanced at the sky. It was sunset. 

He must be watching it... 

I then realized that it was Aaron. I felt my heart pounding. Wasn't I hanging out with him earlier? Why am I feeling like this again? I guess... this is my chance. I slowly walk towards him. 

"H-Hey... Aaron?" I mutter as I stood next to him Aaron looks down at me.

"Oh hey Y/n. Do you need something?" Aaron asked gently. His soft, smooth voice made my heart flutter. 

"I-I... I need to tell you something." I spoke up. His eyes were looking into mine. I take a small, slow breath to calm myself. Then I started confessing.

"Aaron, I like you, a lot. I have for a long time, a-and..." I couldn't finish speaking. I felt warm hands touch mine. Aaron's fingers intertwine with mine as he looks deeply into my eyes. 

"I've felt the same way. Y/n..." Aaron whispers before leaning in. I slowly close my eyes and then...

I woke up.

"Y/n?" I heard Zane's voice, softly speaking. I open my eyes and notice I was in the living room. 

"What the..." I mutter as I look around.

"Aaron carried you back from the food court. He said you started dozing off before falling asleep, or passing out, I guess. I'm glad you're awake though." Zane explained. W-Wait... that was just a dream?... No sandcastle, no Katelyn confessing to Travis... and no... kiss... 

Wait, Just a Dream? That song... 

"Are you hungry? It's been about 8 hours since you ate last." I heard Zane say. I snapped out of my thoughts and nod. To be honest, I was hungry. Zane stood up and went to the kitchen.

"Hey Zane." Aaron's voice... Oh god... 

"Hey Aaron. Y/n is awake, and I'll be cooking her food. You can care for her." Zane told him. No, no, no... Don't bring him over here...

"Y/n! I was so worried about you!" I heard Aaron say as he came around to the couch. He sat down close to me. 

"O-Oh... I-I didn't mean to worry you. What time is it?" I say in a small voice. 

*Aaron's P.O.V.*

God dammit... why is she so cute?

"It's about 10:30pm. Aphmau told us that tomorrow we could have a break and sleep in. I stayed down here with Zane to make sure you were okay." I explain to her. Y/n nodded slowly. She had a f/c soft blanket wrapped around her as she listened. 

I couldn't help myself but slowly wrap my arms around her small body. I heard a small squeak come from her, making me smile. As I leaned back on the couch, I felt her body shift as I move. The blanket wrapped around us both, it felt comfortable. 

"I assume she's still tired?" I heard Zane say quietly as he came around with f/f. I nod, but then Y/n's head popped up. She slowly sat up, making me sit up. Y/n started to eat her food as I held her. 

*Y/n's P.O.V.*

I feel like I'm on the best place on earth. I didn't want to be anywhere else. I was being held by my crush, my best friend made me my favorite food, what else? As I was eating, I felt Aaron's muscular arms wrap around my body more. I felt safe with him. 

No wonder why Aphmau liked him so much... I thought to myself. I mean, who wouldn't? Zane took my plate once I finished eating. I felt Aaron lean back on the couch and I shift to get comfortable. I figured that this is where I would be staying for the night. I slowly start to close my eyes until I fell asleep.


I felt something move from underneath me. I slowly open my eyes to see Aaron shifting. 

"Hey beautiful." His soft voice made my heart melt. 

"H-Hi." I say quietly. I then realize the sun was shining brightly.

"I see you're awake." Katelyn spoke, and I look at her.

"How long have I been asleep?" I ask her.

"Well, it's 5 in the afternoon, do the math." My eyes widen as she speaks. That's over 12 hours!

"O-Oh..." I mutter as I sat up. Aaron looks at me, and I could see he was concerned. 

"Want to go get something to eat?" Katelyn asked me as she came around the couch. 

"Sure!" Food sounded good right now, so I agreed. I stood up, and I stumbled a little. My legs felt like they would break any second. 

"You alright?" I heard Aaron question, watching me. My face heated up because I felt embarrassed. I nodded, not looking into his eyes. He softly chuckled as I followed Katelyn out the door. The sun shone down on me, and I felt warm. 

"I didn't think you'd be asleep for so long! Aaron told me that you had passed out when you were talking to him. I know the food at the food court is good, but I didn't think you'd be tired from it." Katelyn kept blabbering about it. I put my hand on her shoulder.

"Katelyn, I'm okay now. I didn't realize that I was tired, but it wasn't the food." I told her, which seemed to calm her down. She sighed, but then her head perked up.

"Speaking of food, what do you want to eat?" Katelyn asked as she looked at me. Looking around, I realized we were at the food court already.

"Um... I guess pizza?" I say, not knowing what to eat. Katelyn nodded before going up to a stall and talking to the worker. I was left alone, looking around. I felt like someone was staring at me, until I realized. 

It was Travis.

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